8 thoughts on “Sign on Church Pulpit

  1. Khoi To

    Strange as it seems, but the greatest resistance to my military Chaplain ministry has been the KJV-only crowd. I know what I ‘think’ about this but have been conflicted with my feelings. Please pray for me. Thanks!

  2. Gunner

    You know it’s rough when you find yourself wondering if (and hoping that) it was Photoshopped onto the picture.

  3. Andy

    At least is doesn’t say you can’t use history, manuscript evidence, and scholarly support to correct an errant text. Or that you can’t use a different version, although I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate those methods either. Remember to pray for your churches!

  4. Daniel Wright

    What is amazing to me, is that this fearful logic promotes an idea that brothers and sisters in Christ, who don’t happen to read or speak English are missing out on God’s truth. KJV truth. So whatever non-English translations we have are not “inspired”? God is hampered by the KJV translation? He is unable to instruct us if we are reading some other version? Come on! This is silly. The bottom line, after all, is being a DOER of the word and not just a hearer … even if it’s Elizabethan English! Jesus said, you shall know them by their fruits. Thanks for sharing the photograph. Love your blog.

  5. James Dunn

    Wow… yes, that would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
    I once read a defense of the “Gap Theory” interpretation of Genesis by a KJV-only-ist. Part of his defense was differentiating between a reference to singular “heaven” and plural “heavens” in the KJV … even though there is absolutely no difference at all in the Hebrew! Quite frustrating.
    Thanks for sharing that.

  6. Sandie

    My first visit to a particular church, I was approached by a gentleman who did not introduce himself, he asked me as pointing to my non KJV bible, “when are you going to start reading a real bible”. I found out later he was an elder at that time. I must say “funny”…. meaning strange! Thank God for the Holy Spirit and His ability to speak to us, regardless


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