Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Cheap Logos Bible Software Package

By | June 4, 2006

With various internet resources available these days, I think students are less likely to shell out for a Bible software program. I recommend that they do, because you don’t always have an internet connection and there are some things that will never be online. I personally use Logos (Libronix) as my primary Bible software and… Read More »

Jews not for Jesus

By | June 3, 2006

I am back…for a little while anyway. While away, a writer at Haaretz wrote a column on “Why ‘Jews for Jesus’ is Evil.” After an avalanche of responses, he followed it up with “When Converting a Jew to Christ.” You might gain some insight in reading these, especially if you are less familiar with the… Read More »

What I Like to Hear

By | May 20, 2006

from a former student… so i’m reading this book my professor suggested, “the greatness of the kingdom” by alva mcclain and it hit me. You are still making me study and you’re like 10,000 miles away! thanks a lot.

Liberal Logic

By | May 17, 2006

In his new book, Fifty Major Cities of the Bible, John C. H. Laughlin has a chapter on ‘Ai (et-Tell). It’s actually a pretty standard treatment of the subject from the liberal perspective. The only real surprise is that though this book claims to be up-to-date (2006), the latest source in the chapter’s bibliography is… Read More »

The Country is Burning

By | May 15, 2006

Today is Lag b’Omer, which has some religious meaning, but for most Israelis it’s essentially National Bonfire Day. Pretty much everyone in Israel is burning whatever brush and wood they can find. We have a big one going here. Luke’s standing about as close as he wants to because of the heat.


By | May 12, 2006

Nothing about this picture is fake. Not the head ornaments, not the orange wool, not the coy smile. I took it last week near Shechem. While cruising around in this machine. If you want to see the pictures I took yesterday, you’ll have to read the BiblePlaces blog.

Meno's Messages

By | May 10, 2006

Jerusalem Assembly has recently begun putting their sermons online. There are about 50 sermons available at this point, in English only (the Hebrew version is recorded separately and is available at These are streaming audio files in wma format, but you can save them from Windows Media Player after they start playing by choosing… Read More »