Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Stolen Notebook

By | May 4, 2006

Recently the college sent out an email to all students and staff warning about a thief who has stolen numerous notebook computers on campus. About a year ago I was visiting a seminary in the US where a professor had set his computer down in the lounge to use the bathroom and came back to… Read More »

My Name

By | May 3, 2006

Sometimes I’ve wondered if I’ll end up as a scholar. Today I discovered the answer. I won’t. Let’s see if you can figure out the answer as I did. This came to me when I was reading a book edited by Bill T. Arnold and H. G. M. Williamson. Then I thought of William G.… Read More »


By | April 27, 2006

Some time ago, I took a survey which indicated that the Jewish Publication Society Bible was the best fit given my translation preferences. A friend commented on that post and noted an “interesting” non-translation of Isaiah 9:6. “For a child is born unto us, A son is given unto us; And the government is upon… Read More »

Iraq and Iran

By | April 25, 2006

Daniel Pipes has a very short and interesting summary of the Pentagon’s report on where those Iraqi WMDs were. He begins the essay this way: The great mystery of the 2003 war in Iraq – “What about the WMD?” has finally been resolved. The short answer is: Saddam Hussein’s persistent record of lying meant no… Read More »

Lock and Load

By | April 24, 2006

I’ve often said that despite the news hype, I’ve never seen or heard a gun shot in Israel. That all changed on Saturday… For those who can’t tell, the game is paintball. The guy in the back is married to my wife. I should add that I really am very busy, and only went to… Read More »

Wanna Be a College Prof?

By | April 17, 2006

Money Magazine has the details on salary and job growth for archaeologists and historians (HT: Explorator). Based on salary and job prospects though, a college professor is the second best job in America. Average pay is $81k and expected job growth over the next 10 years is 31%. 75% of college profs make more than… Read More »

The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee

By | April 14, 2006

Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed and behind that I just don’t want to do anything. When that happened this morning, I called down to the IBEX office to see if they wanted any help installing the new color laser printer. It’s a pretty shnazzy machine, made by HP with all of the bells and… Read More »

The Samaritan Passover

By | April 12, 2006

Tonight Passover begins and we’ll be observing the Seder with our students in the classroom. That will be a good time of remembering God’s deliverance of his people from Egypt. One aspect that we’ll miss that the ancients didn’t was the cost of that deliverance – the death of the firstborn. The Lord “passed over”… Read More »

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

By | April 10, 2006

I blinked and now it’s April. Almost mid-April. Yesterday was my (disappointing) visa appointment, today the March hero flew out, and tomorrow is the Samaritan Passover. The reason for my lack of posting last week was that we were in Galilee, where the weather was mostly…stormy. I tried something new in Galilee, some of which… Read More »