Author Archives: Todd Bolen

One of Those Days…

By | March 11, 2006

Today was one. There aren’t very many. I think there were more in previous decades and centuries, judging from their photographs. I can only remember a few. Jan 7, 2003, in an airplane. Apr that same year, in Galilee. And the next month, in Corinth. The day didn’t start that way. I slept poorly because… Read More »

Specific Gravity

By | March 7, 2006

I spotted this guy at the Dead Sea last week with INCREDIBLE buoyancy. I mean, he must have air for brains (and the rest), the way he floated on top of the water!

Collaborators in Israel

By | March 6, 2006

The JPost has an article about a side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that we often don’t think about – those on the Palestinian side who give information to the Israelis. They save countless lives but are despised by their own people and not viewed highly by those they’ve helped. This is an inside view into… Read More »

Is It Ok to Read Novels?

By | March 5, 2006

I subscribe to the daily emails from Grace Gems, which I usually find to contain profitable quotes from centuries past. Sometimes when the quote touches on cultural matters, I find myself questioning or disagreeing. Much of course was written in years past that we would disagree with, but the anonymous selector of these quotes must… Read More »

The Value of Texts

By | March 4, 2006

The trend in among some in the archaeological and biblical studies field is to emphasize the archaeological record and to see little value in the historical (mostly biblical) record. There are many examples of this, but here’s two: Archaeology’s “finds have revolutionized the study of early Israel and have cast serious doubt on the historical… Read More »

Life Without Kids

By | March 3, 2006

It is amazing. We were married for 5 years before Luke was born and I thought it was very good for our marriage to have that time with just the two of us. But 8 years later (Luke’s birthday is today), it’s hard to remember. But we just had a couple of days away –… Read More »

My Passport

By | February 24, 2006

This week I surrendered my passport to the authorities and they punched it full of holes. It wasn’t expired (2 years left) and it wasn’t full (6 of 48 pages remain), but with the holes it is no longer valid. This experience gave me reason to reflect on my citizenship. My perspective is from one… Read More »