Author Archives: Todd Bolen

How I Take Notes

By | February 17, 2006

After my previous post, a number of you responded on how you do it or how you think it should or shouldn’t be done. One person was even brave enough to suggest that you neither buy books, nor mark them! (And I fear that said individual is actually a current student of mine :-( Only… Read More »

I Interview Myself

By | February 16, 2006

You have noticed that important people get interviewed. A few interviews of interest include that of John Piper (mp3), Justin Taylor, C. J. Mahaney, John MacArthur ($6!), and Steven Spielberg. Nobody ever asks to interview me and I’m a-thinking that it ain’t going to happen any time soon. So I thought I’d entertain my readers… Read More »

How to Be a Good Scholar

By | February 15, 2006

I’m preparing for two lectures this week (and one next) on David and in the process I read my friend Danny Frese’s paper dealing with some recent theories on David’s rule. One work that he deals with more extensively is the 2001 work by Baruch Halpern, David’s Secret Demons: Messiah, Murderer, Traitor, King. Halpern is… Read More »

The Three Shall Become One

By | February 10, 2006

You heard it here first that the Biblical Archaeology Society was consolidating its three magazines into one. You can read the full story now at the BAS website. My guess is that it will result in a less stretched-out staff and a better single magazine (Biblical Archaeology Review). If you haven’t seen the latest issue… Read More »

Do You Write In Your Books?

By | February 9, 2006

Mortimer Adler, who wrote How to Read a Book, has penned a short essay on How to Mark a Book. If you read, this essay is worth reading. I don’t agree with everything that he says, but he says much that is valuable, especially for those who are now developing reading habits for a lifetime… Read More »

Luke Update

By | February 8, 2006

Recently it seems that we have had more people asking how Luke is doing. Some are asking in response to some recent difficulties at school. We have decided that it might be easier for us and more beneficial for all if we could write a more detailed note and send it to all of those… Read More »

Conservative and Dispensational

By | February 7, 2006

One advantage of the blogosphere is the world that it opens up to one without lots of peers to dialogue with. And the peers in the blogosphere come in many more sizes and shapes than one would likely find in a faculty dining room anyhow. This makes for an (usually) enjoyable experience of education, with… Read More »

To Mount Hermon

By | February 6, 2006

Yesterday I drove to the top of Mount Hermon and back. The trip was a failure as far as accomplishing my chief objective: to get a photo of the mountain thoroughly covered in snow. I thought last week’s storm would have helped, but I was disappointed. The amount of snow was limited, the air was… Read More »