Author Archives: Todd Bolen

not blogging

By | January 23, 2006

I’m sorry for not blogging lately. Whenever I have had downtime in recent days, thoughts of Philip and his family crowd out other thoughts, and I’m not ready to share anything else here in that regard. The service yesterday was very nice, though I had to leave the reception early to pick up the semester… Read More »

Another Photo with Philip

By | January 20, 2006

Forgive me for posting twice on this in one week, but it has been much on my mind and I finally found this picture that I had been looking for. We took it at a picnic in IBEX Park in the summer of 2004. Philip’s family is the front row (except for the boy in… Read More »

About This Blog (and a new one)

By | January 19, 2006

When I started this blog (Todd’s Thoughts), I didn’t really have a clear purpose. I wasn’t sure who my audience would be, and I wasn’t sure what subjects I would discuss. It’s been almost two years now and I think I’ve kinda figured it out. Though I still think the name is uncreative, it accurately… Read More »

The Things That Make Me Happy

By | January 18, 2006

I’ve heard from a reliable source that Eugene Merrill is going to be working on a second edition of Kingdom of Priests. I know many students will be happy to get an up-to-date edition of this excellent work. It’ll take a few years to produce; may the Lord supply Dr. Merrill with all of the… Read More »

In Glory: Philip Berg

By | January 16, 2006

This morning Philip Berg collapsed in his home and died. He is survived by his wife Martha and his five children, ages 7 years to 5 months. Philip impacted thousands (or tens of thousands) of people through his work at the Institute of Holy Land Studies (now Jerusalem University College) and Shevet Achim, where he… Read More »

One of My Best Days

By | January 7, 2006

One of my best days in Israel was this day three years ago. It was a beautiful day with very clear air. Days this good happen maybe once a year. But what made it so good for me is that I was able to get in an airplane and take photos. I have done this… Read More »

Is Cancer Good News?

By | January 6, 2006

John Piper has cancer and has released a letter which you can read on Between Two Worlds. What is stunning is the paragraph that begins, “This news has, of course, been good for me.” It is worth reading in full. I wonder how the letter will read when it becomes my turn to write it.