Author Archives: Todd Bolen

On the Timing of Ariel Sharon's Stroke

By | January 5, 2006

Though it shouldn’t surprise anyone that a 77-year-old, overweight man could suddenly fall seriously ill or die, the timing of Ariel Sharon’s stroke is very momentous. I had thought of writing a short primer for those in the US who haven’t kept up, but I just received Daniel Pipes’ latest editorial in my inbox. I… Read More »

Software for Biblical Archaeology

By | January 3, 2006

I have been asked to give my opinion on the best archaeological resources available for Logos Bible Software (Libronix), ranking them in order I would recommend for those with limited budgets. I was given this list: Bible Review: The Archive Archaeology Odyssey: The Archive CD-ROM Biblical Archaeology Review Archive CD-ROM The Biblical World in Pictures… Read More »

3 Minutes of Fun

By | December 29, 2005

Ok, this can only count for the “wasting time” part of your day. If you’ve already used that up, move on. But if you have three minutes remaining, here are 2 videos at Google Video that I found amusing. civic-cut-side.mpg Big Ad

Best Software – Bible Program Followup

By | December 28, 2005

My good friend Danny Frese responded to my recent post on my favorite software: Your recent post on software (and looking at your previous one that you linked to) makes me wonder why you didn’t mention e-sword, since you teach Bible. It is really an awesome program, and it’s free. I really cannot do any… Read More »

How is affliction a blessing?

By | December 24, 2005

GraceGems sends out a daily email with a quotation from someone dead. This is from today. Read slowly. “Blessed is the man whom You chasten, O Lord” (Psalm 94:12) We are all familiar with suffering. We are either now enduring, or shall at some future time endure severe afflictions. There are few of us therefore… Read More »

Pool of Siloam: Dec 05 update

By | December 23, 2005

Paleojudaica points to a new article in Haaretz on the Pool of Siloam. It’s basically an update of things since the last big reporting in August. There are a few new things of note, which I may or may not have mentioned here before. This includes: The discovery of the 1st century street near the… Read More »

My New Website

By | December 22, 2005

Three years ago I started a new project. One year ago I started a new website for this same project. Today it is “done.” Entitled Life in the Holy Land . com , this website is the historic counterpart to Whereas give you the here and now, gives you the there and… Read More »

A Free Magazine

By | December 21, 2005

One of my favorite magazines that I don’t subscribe to is Christian History & Biography. I used to subscribe but somewhere along the way I thought that I didn’t have time to read each issue and I stopped. That and foreign subscription fees are always about double. Each issue is in fact like a mini-book,… Read More »

Muslims Coming to Christ

By | December 20, 2005

My brother Chet and sister-in-law Allison (IBEX Fall 99!) gave me a book for my birthday that I thought was worth sharing about here. The Costly Call, by Emir Caner and H. Edward Pruitt is subtitled, “Modern-Day Stories of Muslims Who Found Jesus.” This 150-page book gives the accounts of twenty men and women from… Read More »