Author Archives: Todd Bolen

15 Years Ago

By | December 19, 2005

Fifteen years ago tonight, I said goodbye to my girlfriend. We had met during a semester of study in Israel and quickly developed a strong friendship. But with the semester over, we didn’t know if or how we would see each other again. She was from the Midwest and I was from California, and neither… Read More »

My Favorite Program of the Year

By | December 17, 2005

Firefox. I am not one of those Microsoft bashers. I use lots of their software products and think it’s the best out there. And because of the virulent anti-MS crowd, I usually ignore those clamoring to use another product. But enough of the experts were touting the Firefox browser earlier this year that I decided… Read More »

The Problem With Reviews

By | December 16, 2005

The problem with a journal review of a book (or collection of CDs) is that there’s no opportunity for response. I imagine that hundreds of writers must feel this frustration annually, when their works are reviewed. Too frequently, I think, books are reviewed by professors who are happy to get a free copy of the… Read More »

Do You Read Journals?

By | December 15, 2005

Last night I had guard duty and between letting guests in for the bar mitzvah, I read through several articles in the latest issue of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Sept 2005, 48/3). Many of the readers of this blog are currently students and thus don’t have time for extra reading, but this… Read More »

My Violent, Hating, Racist Tendencies

By | December 13, 2005

I got this email today from Katie Slusher, a former IBEX student and neighbor of my parents, indicting me for violent, racist or hate messages on the webpage: Just wanted to share with you that here at The Master’s College our server protects us from going on websites that are not appropriate. Apparently, they… Read More »

Stupid Things My Students Do

By | December 13, 2005

One of my biggest regrets of the last 10 years is that I’ve never kept a list. It could win an award or something. One on the list would be the guy who brought the unexploded mortar into his dorm room. (He’s now getting his PhD from a prestigious university in Biblical Studies.) But today’s… Read More »

ETS Conference – What I Missed

By | December 12, 2005

Because of my location in Israel, I am not able to attend the annual ETS meetings. I have had the opportunity twice – 2001 because of disaster I was in California and able to fly to Colorado Springs, and last year when I was able to combine a visit to Dallas Theological Seminary with the… Read More »

Throwing Your Semester Away

By | December 11, 2005

At the semester-end party, I jokingly suggested that if students were going to throw away their Land and Bible class notes that they not put them in the donate bins where I might find them and feel bad. The students’ audible reaction was that no one would ever throw away those notes. But I’ve seen… Read More »