Author Archives: Todd Bolen

"What Do You Think About Me?"

By | December 10, 2005

The semester is over in a few hours when the students get on a plane for America. That means it’s somewhat of an emotional and sentimental time here. I will try to resist. This semester was characterized by questions. Sometimes there were more than 30 questions in a two-hour lecture, and if you know me,… Read More »

Completely Random

By | December 6, 2005

In order not to lose momentum, I’ve decided to post tonight. I can’t think of anything good to say, and even if I could, it would be lame compared to the depth of Gunner’s posts. But I will write something anyway, even if it is of no educational value. Maybe that is ok, sometimes. I… Read More »

Changes coming to BAR?

By | December 3, 2005

I’ve heard from a reliable source that Shanks is shaking things up in BAS-land, with the intent of combining the three magazines (Biblical Archaeology Review, Bible Review, Archaeology Odyssey) into a single publication. Apparently the managing editor of BAR, Steven Feldman, was dismissed as well. In my opinion, Shanks has made some questionable decisions in… Read More »

Sketches, Sermons, and a Song

By | December 3, 2005

The recent Sovereign Grace Ministries newsletter led me to several good sites today. The Hall of Contemporary Reformers includes biographical sketches, bibliographic information, and links to free articles and mp3 files online for leaders including John Piper, John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, C. J. Mahaney, and others. Not surprisingly, Piper’s page offers the most free… Read More »

Bad Papers Followup: How To Be Better

By | November 30, 2005

Following yesterday’s post I was asked to give some tips for writing. I have chosen not to mention specific grammatical rules or to list the “Most Frequent Mistakes in IBEX Papers” that I have in my Research Paper Guide. Instead I have four general principles to becoming a better writer. 1. Pay attention to how… Read More »

Grading Papers

By | November 29, 2005

I did write some things about Italy and Malta while on the trip and I had planned to massage those into a post or two (with photos, as Amy requests :-)), but all of my files are in my office and I usually blog at home. Especially these days as I clear the decks and… Read More »

Where I Was and Where I'm Going

By | November 27, 2005

I was traveling for a while but I’ve been back for some days too and I confess that it’s hard to get back into “blogging mode.” I suppose questioning the worthwhileness of it all is part of it. This blog isn’t one where I usually do long, thoughtful posts. There are other blogs for that,… Read More »

I saw Puteoli today

By | November 17, 2005

Of course it’s true that seeing a biblical site helps you to understand and “brings the Bible to life.” This reality is a big part of why I do what I do in teaching at IBEX. I’m usually not on the other end of that, as I have been this week, traveling in southern Italy.… Read More »

Worship What? Vocabulary Matters

By | November 13, 2005

One of my interests that might surprise those who don’t know me well is worship and worship leading. While I’ve never led worship, I do lead the chapel team each semester in thinking through what we do and why. I’m reading a book now on 6 Views on Worship, and for the last few years… Read More »