Author Archives: Todd Bolen

20 Years

By | August 8, 2012

I’m going to take today off from blogging our vacation as Kelli and I are celebrating 20 years of a happy and blessed marriage. When I return, we ‘ll continue on our journey to see 4 presidents carved in stone. July 28, 2012

The Badlands

By | August 7, 2012

A morning drive across South Dakota set us up for a leisurely afternoon hiking and driving through Badlands National Park. The scenery reminded me some of the Qumran/Masada area and some of Bryce Canyon in Utah. View from Big Badlands Overlook We had time to do a number of hikes. Here the whole family hikes… Read More »

On to South Dakota

By | August 6, 2012

Our travels through Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota today included some nice variety. Our stop at Kenefick Park with its massive locomotives gave us the excuse of studying the transcontinental railroad earlier this summer. Some day I’d like to read Ambrose’s Nothing Like It in the World. Locomotives at Kenefick Park, Omaha, Nebraska Youth pastor… Read More »

Kansas and Nebraska

By | August 5, 2012

When I envisioned this trip, I had thoughts that we might spend a day or so in each state as we headed north to North Dakota. As it turned out, I couldn’t find much to do in the states “on the way,” but plenty of good sites in South and North Dakota. Thus today was… Read More »

Friends in Oklahoma

By | August 4, 2012

My series last year on our family vacation seemed to be appreciated, so I am going to try it again this year. Because of time limitations while traveling, the series is delayed by three weeks, but I will write as if I am describing events that occurred today. Our plans this year are for a… Read More »

July 30

By | July 30, 2012

David Platt explains some of the dangers of the “sinner’s prayer.” “Son of Hamas” has announced plans for a movie based on the book. Fun with copyright traps. I’ve created a few of these in my projects. Here is a smorgasbord of Bible memorization methods (and one way to learn whole books).

God Does Not Do Miracles Today

By | July 23, 2012

A few weeks ago a member of my Sunday School class asked me if I believed if God still does miracles today. I don’t think he was satisfied with my answer. R.C. Sproul has recently written a very good (and brief) response to the same question and I would recommend it to you. Now of… Read More »

Psalm 34 in David’s Life

By | July 19, 2012

I think it’s easy to read the Bible as though written by the “Bible author” to you the “Bible reader.” We can flatten the text out and disregard the circumstances of life in which certain passages were written. In many cases, we do not know when or where a passage was written. This is true… Read More »

July 16

By | July 16, 2012

I recommend this article on Evangelizing Children by Grace Community Church. This page provides perhaps the best rationale I’ve read for learning Greek. Many in church history have believed in the national salvation of ethnic Israel. This app eliminates time spent on hold by calling you when the representative is available. Now I’d like to… Read More »

Five Years in Texas

By | July 13, 2012

I’ve developed a pattern of posting on July 13 and though today is a busy day, I thought I’d squeeze in a brief note so as to not bring things to an end prematurely. I fully expect that this will be the fifth and final time I memorialize our exodus from Israel and wandering in… Read More »