Author Archives: Todd Bolen

IBEX Students, Put Yourself on the Map!

By | November 3, 2005

I’ve long wanted to do something like this and today I found the easy way to do it. The LangaList points out “Frappr!“, which allows individuals to create a “group map.” I have started one for IBEX students and added myself to start. This is more properly an item for an IBEX Alumni Newsletter but… Read More »

My Car is Worth $100,000

By | November 3, 2005

Actually, if I advertised it for sale, I would get about 7000 NIS ($1500). But if I priced it part by part, it would be worth a fortune. I know this because this week I replaced the headlight switch ($400) and the washer fluid pump ($100). For years I have needed to replace the exhaust… Read More »

Why I Love IBEX

By | October 31, 2005

I thought I’d go to bed early when I saw the TMS Alumni blog calling for contributions from alumni who are abroad. Penciling a few thoughts led to writing a whole post and now I’m going to bed late. In short, I gave a brief explanation of what IBEX is doing and why I love… Read More »

A Muslim View of the Temple Mount

By | October 31, 2005

WorldNetDaily has an interview with the vice-chairman of the Islamic Movement about the Temple Mount. If you haven’t read much about the Muslim view of the Temple Mount, then it’s a worthwhile read. In short, any Jewish claim to the Temple Mount is denied because it is alleged that Al-Aqsa existed there since the time… Read More »

Me and my Grandpa

By | October 30, 2005

I was hunting down a photo when I came across this one. It’s me and my Grandpa in Georgia when I was about 3 years old. He passed away a few years ago, but before he did I was able to fly out to see him with Mark (who was 2 at the time). He… Read More »

A Gallon in Israel

By | October 29, 2005

The price of a gallon of important fuels in Israel: Gasoline: $5.13 Milk: $3.37 Ice Cream: $17.14 Gasoline used to be closer to $4/gallon, but has gone up with the price of a barrel of oil. Milk is cheaper than I thought, and is fixed by the government. Except for the special treat of chocolate… Read More »

Which Bible Translation is Better?

By | October 28, 2005

One of the blogs that I follow casually is the Better Bibles Blog. Ever since I was the only one carrying a non-NASB translation around TMC (and later TMS), I have had to defend my choice of preferred translation. Today I see a post about the ESV and TNIV. I use neither, but both have… Read More »