Author Archives: Todd Bolen

The World Without Jews

By | October 26, 2005

Lest you thought that the Muslim world had finally acknowledged Israel’s right to exist and that the real sticking point was the Jews’ refusal to return land taken in the 1967 war, the current conference in Iran should dispel any such false delusions. “The World Without Zionism” is euphemistic for “The World Without Jews” and… Read More »

The Temple Mount You've Never Seen

By | October 25, 2005

If you’ve only been to Israel in the last five years, then you never had a chance to visit inside the Muslim buildings on the Temple Mount. In fact, chances are good you weren’t even allowed on the Temple Mount at all. If you visited before the outbreak of violence in 2000, you likely visited… Read More »

Galatians on one foot

By | October 25, 2005

In my last post, I suggested that you study a large section or book of the Bible as a whole. Read the entirety in one sitting, and do that every day for a month. As you do, try to trace the main goal(s) of the writer. Then boil it all down into one paragraph. Certainly… Read More »

Bible Study Idea: See the Forest

By | October 24, 2005

It seems to me that one of the problems that believers have is that they learn the Bible in bits. The preacher focuses on a paragraph (or even a single verse). The daily reading plan has you reading portions of 4 books (OT, NT, Psalms, Proverbs) every day. Bible “study” automatically means a detailed look… Read More »

The Upside-Down Negev Trip

By | October 23, 2005

I’m back from the Negev and thought I might post a bit about it since I mentioned a few things briefly before departing. First, I was basically healthy from the start of the trip, for which I am thankful. But the illness continued throughout the family while I was away and now Kelli is sick.… Read More »

Albright and me #4 (As a Teacher)

By | October 20, 2005

If you missed the introduction to this series, read that first. Some of these are not real clear similarities as much as interesting perspectives on Albright and his teaching. 20. “Dr. Albright was an effective lecturer. He once explained that because he could not see well enough to read a lecture or paper acceptably in… Read More »

Barkay and others lecture in Los Angeles

By | October 19, 2005

I’ve known about this series for sometime because I originally had scheduled Gabriel Barkay for a trip for my class, but that had to be changed because of his LA engagement. In any case, full details of Excavating in Jerusalem and the Mountains Around Her: What the New Excavations Teach Us About the City, the… Read More »

Why Piper Left (and I Won't)

By | October 18, 2005

Various people have been influential in my life and thinking. The one whom has had the most impact but whom I have never seen in person (and is still alive) is John Piper. Like many well-known pastors, Piper does not give lots of personal details in his messages. So while I’ve long known that Piper… Read More »

Albright and me #3 (More Travels)

By | October 17, 2005

A bug hit me hard last night, making it a worse sleep than even mosquito night. An ibuprofen has got me out of bed. I wrote this before and simply make a few edits before posting. I continue my list of curious similarities between Albright and me, looking at more of his travels in the… Read More »