Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Albright and me #2 (Travels)

By | October 15, 2005

I continue my list of curious similarities between Albright and me, this time looking at his travels in the 1920s and mine today. If you missed the first post introducing this series, read it first. Quotes are from his biography, with page numbers in parentheses. My comments are in brackets. 6. “We avoided the automobile… Read More »

One of My Favorite Teachers

By | October 14, 2005

Sometime I’d like to do a post or two on teachers, but this post is a short reaction in response to a recent article about one of my favorite teachers. (Aside: my favorite teachers all have last names that start with “B”, which I kinda like.) Haaretz has a very long article which is essentially… Read More »

Albright and me #1

By | October 13, 2005

Years ago I purchased the biography of William F. Albright and ever since I’ve had a strong desire to read it. This summer was my chance and as I went through it I began noticing a number of parallels between the life of the subject and me (esp. in Albright’s early years of living in… Read More »

Washing on Yom Kippur

By | October 12, 2005

Yom Kippur started a few hours ago and I brought home Donin’s To Be a Jew to refresh my memory on the Jewish customs of the day. One of the paragraphs says this: “The Oral Torah teaches us that in addition to prohibiting eating and drinking,’to afflict your souls’ also involves, though with less severe… Read More »

A Night on Arbel

By | October 10, 2005

Everyone at IBEX always loves a “first” – that is, when they do something that no group has ever done before. After 20 semesters, there are fewer and fewer new things to do, it seems. But it’s also true that not all “firsts” are worth repeating. Such it was with my idea last night to… Read More »

Up North

By | October 7, 2005

I’m in Galilee right now, with less time or ability for blogging. The first two days of the trip have gone very well: safe, fun, and profitable. In Caesarea we saw the newly excavated mansion with a huge mosaic floor. Yesterday we stopped and saw the ruins of ancient Endor, where Saul met the witch… Read More »

Siloam Channel: Before and After

By | October 3, 2005

Here’s a lesser known aspect of the Pool of Siloam excavations. Most people know that the pool is fed by Hezekiah’s Tunnel, but they may not be aware of a second channel (known as Channel #2, or the Siloam Channel/Tunnel) which connects the Gihon Spring and the Pool of Siloam but on the east side… Read More »

Sins of the Student, Part 4

By | October 2, 2005

My last comment in this series is a simple one. Students too often do not understand the need for a proper amount of sleep. If your job is physical, like construction work, then getting enough sleep at night may not be as important. But when your job is largely mental, and you have to be… Read More »