Author Archives: Todd Bolen

That Archaeological Study Bible

By | September 30, 2005

After mentioning the prize in yesterday’s post, I received the Zondervan Academic catalog in the mail which has info about the “NIV Archaeological Study Bible.” As I mentioned before, I wrote about 13 articles and contributed more than 100 photos, so I’m interested in its publication. A few comments for any others who might be… Read More »

Tuesday's Quiz – Answer

By | September 29, 2005

There were some interesting guesses to the question of what is hanging on my bedroom wall. Indeed, I do have the jawbone of a donkey (and I used it yesterday when telling the Samson story at Beth Shemesh), but I keep it on a shelf in my office and not on the wall of my… Read More »

I'm a Rock Star

By | September 28, 2005

Well, maybe not, but I can now claim the dubious distinction of having my name cut into someone’s hair. I did not initiate, motivate, or encourage such behavior. I only found out after the deed was done. Today was the Shephelah trip and it went well. In addition to a number of “regular” sites, we… Read More »

Tuesday's Quiz

By | September 27, 2005

A prize to the first person who can tell me (via a comment) what is hanging on my bedroom wall. It’s been there for some years, and I’m expecting that some of the readers of this blog have seen it. Although random guesses could be fun too :-). Tomorrow we go to the Shephelah, and… Read More »

Sins of the Student, Part 3

By | September 26, 2005

The third frequent failure I see in students is the disregard of instructions. That includes both written guidelines and spoken words. There is not a single cause for this. Some simply think that they’ll remember and then they don’t (see Sin #2). Some don’t take the time to read the material given to them. Some… Read More »

Muslim Quarter Excavations

By | September 25, 2005

I was intending merely to add a new link to my previous post Take Photo Now, Find Story Later, but the article in Haaretz is so good that I decided to mention it separately. If you’re interested in the Jewish presence in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, and its connection with archaeology, this… Read More »

Poofy White Clouds

By | September 24, 2005

Today was a glorious day. Fortunately I was in town early for a lecture and had some free time before the church service, and I took advantage of it. I confess that of late I have become something of a poofy white cloud fanatic. So often the sky in Israel is flat blue and when… Read More »