Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Sins of the Student, Part 2-comment

By | September 23, 2005

I know that not everyone reads the comments on blog posts, but I thought this one worthy of “upgrading” to post status, as it says something I wanted to say but didn’t. And better. Gunner writes, quoting TMC professor Greg Behle: I’ve heard you say this before, and have adopted this method myself for a… Read More »

Sins of the Student, Part 2

By | September 23, 2005

A second “sin” of the student that I’d like to suggest is less encompassing than the first (short-sightedness) and actually could be regarded as an example of it. The “sin” is not taking notes (or not taking good notes). I’ve told my students that the greatest mistake I made in college was not taking good… Read More »

Sign of the Day

By | September 22, 2005

I saw this billboard several times yesterday in Bethlehem. It expresses the desire to press forward with the “peace process” now that Gaza is “free.” A few thoughts: 1. This is a “victory” sign for the Palestinians. They “won” Gaza by terror, and if they aren’t given the West Bank (in its entirety), then they… Read More »

My Worst Field Trip

By | September 22, 2005

A few years ago I distinctly remember returning from a “Jerusalem Approaches” field trip and thinking, That was the worst trip I’ve ever been on. It wasn’t because of the students – they were great (Sp01), but it was largely because we simply couldn’t go to all the good places, because of Palestinian terrorism. And… Read More »

Sins of the Student, Part 1b

By | September 21, 2005

Earlier this week I began a series of posts on the “sins of the student,” starting with the folly of short-sightedness. I want to give a second example of short-sightedness that I see all too frequently: in the selection of classes (or assignments). One example I heard recently was of a student who was “undecided”… Read More »

Good Book: Biblical History of Israel

By | September 20, 2005

A friend recently started a blog for TMS Alumni (that being alumni of The Master’s Seminary). I would be one of them, having graduated with an M.Div. in 1996 (and nearly finished with a Th.M.). Instead of posting here today, I decided to contribute to that blog. My comments are why I like A Biblical… Read More »

Take Photo Now, Find Story Later

By | September 19, 2005

A couple of weeks ago I was walking through the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem when I saw the flag of the Israel Antiquities Authority waving from a rooftop. I thought it odd and so snapped a couple of pictures. I guessed that one of the ultra-religious/nationalistic groups owned some property there… Read More »

Sins of the Student, Part 1a

By | September 18, 2005

In a comment to a previous post, I mentioned that it’s a sin for a teacher to be boring. That prompted a friend to ask me to share my thoughts on the “sins of a student.” Thus this post is the first of a few on that subject. I think that many of the readers… Read More »

Mr. T

By | September 17, 2005

In about a minute, a large group of students leave for a night on the shore of the Dead Sea and a hike around the En Gedi area tomorrow. I’m quite certain that they’ll have a miserable time, but because they’re creating their own misery, they’ll think it’s the best trip of the semester. I… Read More »

Heresy in this Hemisphere

By | September 15, 2005

If I were living in the US, I’m sure I’d be dealing with different issues than I deal with here. Simply because of access (or lack thereof), many in the biblical studies world in the States are largely concerned with issues of language and theology. But not me. My game is historical geography. Thus, you… Read More »