Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Preparing for Egypt (post 2)

By | January 14, 2005

My travel partner was Andrei Tsvirinko, a former IBEX student now at TMC. He flew from California for Christmas break to go on the trip with me and help to prepare. Before we left, we (and especially he) researched the sites on our itinerary and prepared notes which would help us understand the sites and… Read More »

Back from Egypt (post 1)

By | January 13, 2005

I’m back from 8 days in Egypt – trying hard to visit only those places that few ever do. Indeed we didn’t see more than a handful of tourists except at a few sites. It was a hard trip, in part because we did it all ourselves (not one thing was arranged by another or… Read More »

Straying from your Script

By | January 3, 2005

One of the best ways you can spend $16 is on John Piper’s biographical series Men of Whom The World Was Not Worthy. This mp3 CD includes 16 messages on various important figures in Christian history (three books have also been produced from this series: here, here, and here). The books are good, but Piper’s… Read More »

Old City photo

By | December 26, 2004

There are a number of things worth blogging about (e.g., Pool of Siloam, ivory pomegranate), but I’m working on a “Top 5” list for the BiblePlaces Newsletter where I’ll cover some of that. This post is motivated by a photograph I took a few hours ago in the Old City. It’s not often that you… Read More »

Banning Christmas Carols

By | December 18, 2004

Krauthammer’s column yesterday (Just Leave Christmas Alone) says this: “Some Americans get angry at parents who want to ban carols because they tremble that their kids might feel ‘different’ and ‘uncomfortable’ should they, God forbid, hear Christian music sung at their school. I feel pity. What kind of fragile religious identity have they bequeathed their… Read More »

Pool of Siloam – excavation progress

By | November 7, 2004

Several extra activities have kept me from adding entries lately (and in the near future), but today we were with our students in the City of David, excavating next to the Pool of Siloam (or what might later be understood as part of the Pool of Siloam). The work that the excavators have done in… Read More »

Good deals

By | October 21, 2004

My brother alerted me a couple of days ago to a deal for Dell notebooks – buy one that costs $1500 or more and get $750 off. So for instance, you could get a pretty decent one (1.5Ghz Pentium M, 14-inch SXGA+, 768MB) for $750 including shipping. That special was one day only. Where do… Read More »

Webhost – great deal

By | October 10, 2004

I’ve used Dreamhost with the website for nearly a year now and it’s been good and reliable. $10/month. Now they have a special for new customers – $.77/month for the first year. This service is worth $10/month, so it’s a great deal if you’ve been looking for one. Package is very good, including 800MB… Read More »

This Hits Home

By | September 30, 2004

We received this email from a friend today. It is even more forceful to us because we too have a 5-month-old daughter named Katie. Your prayers for the family would be appreciated. A close friend of mine, Sang Hong, lost his 5 month old baby girl to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome on Tuesday. He and… Read More »

How to Read Israeli News

By | September 30, 2004

I read a lot of news, but rarely am involved or have direct knowledge of a news event. Those rare times seem to have one thing in common: the news reports contain significant errors. A couple of days ago, a major Israeli news organization, Arutz-7, reported the following story about “Anti-Missionary Activity.” You can read… Read More »