Author Archives: Todd Bolen

A Sunset in Plano

By | March 23, 2012

While I am frequently reminded how many things I have to be thankful for, one thing I wish I had more of was “outdoor time.” I live most of my life in front of the monitor. This evening I happened to walk by the front door and see a strange light in the street. I… Read More »

March 17

By | March 17, 2012

If you missed (as I did) most of the hubbub about the medical ethicists who made a case for “after-birth abortion,” you might find this article helpful. Does driving a shiny expensive car entitle you to cut off cars and ignore pedestrians? Apparently their drivers think so. The Chronicles of Narnia, all 7 books, are… Read More »

A Summer Trip in the Midwest

By | March 13, 2012

Last year I took a risk and asked for suggestions for our summer trip. (The risk, in part, is related to offending someone if we do not take the suggestion.) It worked out better than we could hope, not only with some very good ideas for places to visit but also with an invitation to… Read More »

March 8

By | March 8, 2012

After once telling us in chapel to mail our NIVs back to the publisher, John MacArthur has agreed to an NIV version of the MacArthur Study Bible. It’s absolutely not about the millions of dollars to be made, but it’s about having study notes to help those reading an inferior translation. Sigh :-). But maybe… Read More »

Praying for your Family

By | March 6, 2012

I’ve heard good things about these books by Andrew Case: Water of the Word: A practical prayer-book designed to help husbands intercede for their wives consistently and biblically. Prayers of an Excellent Wife: A practical prayer-book designed to help wives intercede for their husbands consistently and biblically. Setting Their Hope in God: A practical prayer-book… Read More »

Should the Bible and Science Agree?

By | March 5, 2012

This 19th century writing makes a very important point. From William Bacon Stevens, 1815-1887, via GraceGems: What if science, as at present understood, and the Bible, do not agree? Shall we be troubled thereat? I think not. I rejoice to know that what is termed modern science and the Bible do not agree. I would… Read More »

Anti-Choice Feminists

By | March 3, 2012

From Best of the Web Today (WSJ): If there is one word that captures the Orwellian nature of contemporary feminism, it is "choice." It’s not just the word’s wide use as a euphemism for abortion. You can understand why people on that side of the abortion issue prefer to frame their position in abstract terms,… Read More »

Memorizing psalms

By | March 1, 2012

I wrote something recently for the group for my church that I’m taking to Israel next month. While it is geared for those going to Jerusalem, I think it is just as suitable for those who have already been to Jerusalem (and that is most, if not all, of the readership here). It’s always good… Read More »

Five 5-Star Books

By | February 15, 2012

Breaking the silence is hard to do. I find that I get into patterns and when I haven’t done something in a while (like write on this blog), it’s not easy to return to it. I think of this blog as a place where some of the “spillover” of my thinking can occur. The lack… Read More »