Author Archives: Todd Bolen

America’s Greatness

By | January 12, 2012

James Montgomery Boice: “The greatest sin of all is that we take glory to ourselves instead of giving credit to God. When we do well we think it is our achievement. When we do badly we think it is somebody else’s fault. It is the perspective of fallen humanity, and what we do as individuals… Read More »

The Kingdom of Heaven

By | January 8, 2012

I quote John Piper for this only because I heard it this morning in listening to the audio book of Finally Alive. He gives classic expression to what most Christians think about the “kingdom of God” or the “kingdom of heaven.” Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:3, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless… Read More »

What is Sin?

By | January 4, 2012

John Piper’s description is one of the best I have heard. This is from the beginning of his summary of Romans 1-7, which you can read or listen to here. I know it’s tempting to skip over a quote or a list, but if you have a few minutes, I believe you will find this… Read More »

Family Photos

By | December 31, 2011

Which one should we have chosen to send out with Christmas letters? I wish my readers the best in the new year. Really, the best.

December 26

By | December 26, 2011

Most of our family cheers for the Green Bay Packers and Aaron Rodgers (see photos here). Gunner isn’t a fan, but he sees wisdom in an interview with the quarterback who led his team to 19 straight victories. At the risk of being made fun of, I must say that I was impressed with this… Read More »

How To Get Rich Quick

By | December 20, 2011

I have some financial advice for you: invest your money in the place that earns the highest dividends. Forget those 1% CDs, and don’t bother with bonds that are averaging 2%. The stock market historically does better, so I’d start looking there. What you really need is a stock that pays dividends frequently. Ideally, you… Read More »

Amazon Link

By | December 2, 2011

A friend just asked if I have a link for Amazon whereby I get commissions. I do. If you access Amazon either by this text link or the links below, I receive 4% commission on any purchases with which I can do good things. It costs you nothing extra. In other words, if you use… Read More »

November 30

By | November 30, 2011

I didn’t mean to abandon this blog. I guess it’s just been a variety of things. The main thing is the revision of my photo project as well as a secondary photo project. It’s the quantity that’s killing me. I am “tweeting” more, so you can subscribe to that if you know how. (I put… Read More »

Israel Trip

By | November 13, 2011

I’m leading a fantastic group of people from our church on a two-week trip to Israel from April 21 to May 4. We ‘ve had a number of late dropouts and we now have 4 open spots. The trip will be mentally and physically demanding. A free 10-week course will precede the trip but is… Read More »