Author Archives: Todd Bolen

November 12

By | November 12, 2011

I would recommend the 180 movie to you. I can’t say that I “learned” anything, but it was thought-provoking in a variety of ways. The ESV has quietly made changes to more than 275 verses in the text. That’s a good start. I am a fan of the traditional model of education and not much… Read More »

Family Pics: Sports Edition

By | November 5, 2011

Most of us in the Bolen household are involved in sports of one type or another. Soccer is our family’s favorite sport. Mark (#49) runs a pattern as wide receiver on the 7th-grade team. Luke serves as the team manager. My brand of sports occurs in the classroom. Here I stand with the Mickey Mantle… Read More »

Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl

By | November 4, 2011

I can’t remember too many books where I was only partly in when I realized that this was going to be one of my favorite books. Usually one comes to that conclusion near the end or maybe months or years later. But when I was reading Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl, I knew that I was… Read More »

November 2

By | November 2, 2011

When the longtime senior pastor of a large Baptist church around the corner from our house committed suicide last week, I was wishing I had a classroom. I more than doubled my knowledge about the ampersand from this visual guide. My friend Austen really likes the book Son of Hamas. Randy Alcorn’s booklet on Sexual… Read More »

Family Pics: Birthday Edition

By | October 30, 2011

There are at least five reasons why I don’t write more on this blog. Two of them had birthdays recently. We have a beautiful nine-year-old daughter! Our ten-month-old son sports a shirt made for one of his older brothers. Those nylon tote bags have never had a better use! The balloons didn’t launch because of… Read More »

October 26

By | October 26, 2011

Daniel Pipes: I predict that in 5-10 years the American effort in Iraq (and, similarly, in Afghanistan), with all those expenditures and lives lost, will have been for naught. What will punctuation look like in the future? The WSJ tries to predict. It’s too bad we ‘ll never see a TV interview about homosexuality go… Read More »

Rejoicing over a Prisoner Set Free

By | October 18, 2011

Gilad Shalit was delivered today from five years of captivity. He was a prisoner who did not see the sunlight for 1,941 days. Though I’m not in Israel and I have not lived in Israel for four years now, I feel a great relief and joy at Gilad’s homecoming. I imagine that it must be… Read More »

Gilad Shalit: A Good Decision?

By | October 12, 2011

The big news out of Israel this week is the imminent release of Gilad Shalit, after five years of being kept in a dungeon in Gaza by Hamas, refused access to the International Red Cross or anything mandated by international standards or human decency. If you have mixed feelings about whether the release of 1,000… Read More »

The Attraction of Evolution

By | October 8, 2011

I think that James Montgomery Boice’s words from his commentary on Daniel are accurate in explaining why modern man embraces (and champions) the evolutionary origin of this world. First, there is the philosophy of evolution, which is the dominant reference for most persons ‘ thinking and which extends to almost everything. Why is evolution so… Read More »

October 3

By | October 3, 2011

Parenting by Prayer – the thesis of this brief post is that you should talk less and pray more. I thought it was helpful to get a little insight into how movies are rated. But I can’t say I’m encouraged. The Mayo Clinic has seven tips for better sleep. I enjoyed reading John Piper’s Think.… Read More »