Author Archives: Todd Bolen

If You Like Acapella Hymn Singing

By | October 1, 2011

Recently my friend Paul Mitchell sent me the following notice: Recently I came across some fabulous congregational acapella singing at an "east Texas" church, and broadcast the above link to the some-43 songs. (I edited out songleader talking and dead space, etc). Others then broadcasted my broadcast. One person down the chain, who identified … Read More »

Netanyahu’s Quotation of Isaiah 9

By | September 25, 2011

I believe that Netanyahu’s speech on Friday at the UN was excellent. You can listen to it or read it here. But he unwittingly concludes the speech with a quote from Isaiah that, if he read the context, would reveal the solution to his search for peace. The “great light” is not some ethereal “light… Read More »

Parenting Failures

By | September 23, 2011

One of the things I think about most with regard to parenting is how to succeed in the long run. I don’t want short-term victories and long-term failure. I don’t want kids who know every AWANA verse now but who don’t love Jesus when they ‘re 22. I wonder (but can never know) if some… Read More »

September 21

By | September 21, 2011

Evangelism according to the Gospel, Part 1 – this is one of the best things I have read on evangelism. It was written by a guy I went to seminary with. It’s not just changing the name of the denomination from Southern Baptist, but it’s how they go about it that makes me sad. This… Read More »

Help Wanted

By | September 20, 2011

This is a bit risky but I don’t have many options right now. I am over schedule on finishing a major revision and expansion of my photo CD collection and I could use a little help to cut down the time I am losing on my dissertation. I am potentially looking for several short-term, part-time… Read More »

A Witness to True Authority

By | September 16, 2011

Jonathan Moorhead: Hughes Oliphant Old has written a classic 7-volume history of preaching. Theologically he is a liberal, clearly rejecting the doctrines of inerrancy and the person of Satan (and demons). Yet, I find it interesting how he evaluates the preaching of John MacArthur: "Why do so many people listen to MacArthur, this product of… Read More »

September 14

By | September 14, 2011

I heartily concur with David Murray’s list of 10 Problems with Old Testament Teaching. Messianic Jews are being persecuted in Mevasseret Zion (the town where the closest mall to Yad HaShmonah is). That times have changed (on the computer) is clear from the fact that Google Desktop is being retired. TMC is ranked #2 again… Read More »

A Favorite Prof at DTS

By | September 13, 2011

His last name does not begin with a “B” but I can’t help but rank him near the top of my “favorite professors” list. DTS has just posted a three-minute video of Stanley Toussaint here. This is not him at his best, but you get a flavor. He represents the old DTS that I love.… Read More »

A’s and Education

By | September 11, 2011

I read this here and think it worth reposting for you. This one may be hard to accept, but you shouldn’t assume that because your child makes straight A’s that he/she is getting a good education. The truth is, a lot of times it’s the bad teachers who give the easiest grades, because they know… Read More »

September 9

By | September 9, 2011

Marquis Laughlin’s Dramatic Reading of the ESV – frankly I was expecting something “dramatic” and was initially disappointed. But I kept it going in the background while I did other work and I ended up being very encouraged, not by the voice but by the selection of texts. These are well chosen. Indeed, Motherhood is… Read More »