Author Archives: Todd Bolen

New York City

By | August 14, 2011

Visiting a place like New York City with a crew of kids is a rather daunting proposition, but we had two things going for us. First, we were visiting on a Sunday, when the city is relatively quiet. Second, our friend Gordon had given us some good planning advice and was there to meet us… Read More »


By | August 13, 2011

We ‘ve been out 8 days now and I think we could all go home happy. We ‘re certainly excited about what is to come, but we ‘ve had what feels like a pretty full trip already. But we ‘re pressing on. We spent today in Philadelphia. Actually it was just the afternoon, as it… Read More »


By | August 12, 2011

Our friend Becky lives near the famous battlefield of Gettysburg, and so while staying with her, we ventured over to see the site. Here Mark is standing on top of Little Round Top. We were prepared in part for our time at Gettysburg by some advance reading and watching the movie Gettysburg. We purchased a… Read More »

Pennsylvania Farm

By | August 11, 2011

After some long, tiring days sightseeing, it was sure good to relax for a day on the farm of our friend Becky. The kids had a variety of experiences but my camera only captured the time out on the bean pickers. Becky’s father used to pick beans by hand. Today machines are much quicker, easier,… Read More »

Washington, DC

By | August 10, 2011

If you don’t like photos of kids standing in front of monuments, you had better skip this post. (You could read Isaiah 40 instead to make good use of the time…”Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket…”) Our adventure for the day started off in a parking lot, circling around and around… Read More »


By | August 9, 2011

This place is unlike Jamestown, Yorktown, Boston, Philadelphia, and other colonial sites because in the middle of the modern city, they have restored the original town to its historic state. Many of the “guides” at the various buildings in the village are dressed and act as a character would in the 1770s. The boys wanted… Read More »

Jamestown and Yorktown

By | August 8, 2011

After an enjoyable morning drive through the Virginia countryside, we enjoyed two sites in close proximity but significant in very different times. My plan on the map was to drive a more northern route to Jamestown, but the GPS suggested the southern route and the ferry crossing. The ferry was certainly better because it gave… Read More »

Smoky Mountains

By | August 7, 2011

Our family vacation this summer is to the East Coast, with specific emphasis upon sites important in American history. We will visit places related to America’s settlement, the Revolutionary War, and the Civil War. We also plan to see friends along the way. I am going to see what I can do in chronicling our… Read More »

July 19

By | July 19, 2011

There are some good suggestions in this Email Charter, though not all rules apply all the time. If you try to have a family devotion time, this article is worth a few minutes. Big take-away: family worship is like boiling a kid in its mothers milk for too many families. Shepherd Press had an incredible… Read More »