Author Archives: Todd Bolen

1-2 Thessalonians

By | March 27, 2011

1 Thessalonians This is one of the earliest letters that Paul wrote. He didn’t have much time to spend with these new believers before he was run out of town by persecutors (Acts 17). So he writes this letter to answer some questions that have come up. One of the main concerns is about whether… Read More »

March 26

By | March 26, 2011

I learned yesterday that I passed all of the written exams.  I am relieved and thankful.  Next up: the oral exam with four faculty members.  It is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5, 8:30-10:30 a.m. In other news… People who go to church are more likely to be fat than those who don’t. Jacob Barnett was… Read More »

March 23

By | March 23, 2011

You can download about 50 books by John Piper in pdf format for free.  If pdf works well on a Kindle or iPad, that could be quite handy. I consider the prohibition against sharing to be a very strong disincentive to buy books for Kindle or similar readers.  Sharing books is part of the joy… Read More »

Psalm 110 as the Key

By | March 22, 2011

I have much I would like to say about this most important psalm, but in these days as I continue to focus on keeping everything from falling out of my brain before my oral exams (assuming I passed the writtens), I will limit myself to just one quote from Derek Kidner that I think is… Read More »

Philippians and Colossians

By | March 21, 2011

Philippians You ‘ll probably find this book easier to understand than some of the others. Paul is real down to earth with a congregation that has been some of his best friends throughout much of his ministry. Even though Paul writes this from prison (as he did Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon), he is particularly joyful… Read More »

The Ladder

By | March 19, 2011

In looking for something else this morning, I came across this photo. It was taken eight years ago when our son was five years old.  It was taken shortly after our shock wore off upon discovering him on top of the building!  The neighbor had used the ladder for some maintenance work and did not… Read More »

March 15

By | March 15, 2011

These before-and-after images of Japan show a striking contrast.  And if you haven’t seen this video of the tsunami coming in, it will give you a better appreciation for the power of water. CT has a survey of the most popular hymns, as determined by their appearance in the most number of hymnbooks.  The list… Read More »

Does Isaiah 7 Prefigure Isaiah 9?

By | March 11, 2011

Some evangelical scholars believe that the child “Immanuel” predicted in Isaiah 7 is a foreshadowing of a “greater” child who is predicted in Isaiah 9 (“Unto us a child is born…).  Is this possible?  Maybe. I must first applaud those who hold to this view because they are trying to find textual evidence for their… Read More »