Author Archives: Todd Bolen

What Did Mary Know?

By | March 5, 2011

Near the end of Jesus’s ministry, he came to the town of Bethany where his friend Lazarus had recently died.  The dead man’s sister Mary said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:32). A few months later, Jesus is back in Bethany for a dinner in… Read More »

Teenager in the House

By | March 3, 2011

We have joined the club.  Should the Lord will, we will be part of this group for the next 19 years.  At one point I had hoped to finish my doctorate before our oldest turned 13 and I turned 40.  I have now missed the first goal. The preparation for today’s test was the most… Read More »

Exam Midpoint

By | February 26, 2011

Thank you for praying for me during my exams.  I am halfway through the written exams now and have clearly seen the Lord’s answers to our prayers for health, mental strength, and freedom from distractions.  I think I’ve done well enough on the first three tests (Old Testament), but I expect the next three to… Read More »

One Day

By | February 24, 2011

One day I will stand before a class of freshmen and say: When you were in seventh grade, I left my home, my school, my passion, and my paycheck to go and prepare to teach this class today. I hope you listen.

Three Goats

By | February 22, 2011

Don’t read this verse too quickly: Then you [Saul] will go on from there until you reach the great tree of Tabor. Three men going up to God at Bethel will meet you there. One will be carrying three young goats, another three loaves of bread, and another a skin of wine. (1 Samuel 10:3).… Read More »

Alone in a Room

By | February 20, 2011

Tomorrow morning I will walk across campus to the PhD Studies office to pick up a specially prepared envelope.  About three minutes later, I ‘ll be sitting in a designated carrel in the library with my computer and wristwatch.  Five hours and 54 minutes later I will walk back across the courtyard to make a… Read More »


By | February 19, 2011

This book is mostly about how God is working through the church. Jesus is the head of the church, and the unique thing about the church is that it is not only a group of Jews, but it is Jews and Gentiles together (not Gentiles who became Jews by converting). In the first three chapters,… Read More »


By | February 18, 2011

Here is a cool verse: Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry (2 Timothy 4:11). I can’t seem to find one that also mentions Jonathan. Perhaps it’s worth noting that these are probably the very last words that Paul wrote.  Interesting… Read More »