Author Archives: Todd Bolen


By | February 15, 2011

This book isn’t that long, but it is potentially difficult to understand unless you go slow because there is so much packed in here. The reason why Paul writes is that some outsiders have come to the churches in Galatia and told them that in order to be good Christians they have to also be… Read More »

The Fear of the Lord

By | February 12, 2011

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10). “What the alphabet is to reading, notes to reading music, and numerals to mathematics, the fear of the Lord is to attaining the revealed knowledge of [Proverbs].”-Bruce Waltke C. Bridges defines fear of the Lord… Read More »

February 11

By | February 11, 2011

How much would you expect a bill from the emergency room to be when a little girl is there for less than six hours, no surgery is performed, and the patient turns out to have nothing wrong.  The answer is more than the average annual income per capita of 128 countries.  The story of Eli… Read More »

1 and 2 Corinthians

By | February 7, 2011

1 Corinthians Paul started churches in many of the cities that he visited. But many of these churches had problems when he left. The church in Corinth was one of the worst. They were bitterly divided and they boasted in their sin. They took the Lord’s supper in a dishonorable way and they didn’t use… Read More »

Green Bay

By | February 6, 2011

We like to think that our visit to Lambeau Field this summer inspired the team. No, this is not me with the kids.


By | February 4, 2011

This book, probably better than any other, gives the essence of the gospel. Man is sinful, but God saves on the basis of grace. Man can never do enough, but God has provided all that is needed for the one who believes. Some might think that because the Jews aren’t believing that they have been… Read More »

February 3

By | February 3, 2011

A little snow, a little cold, and school is closed for four days.  I had asked our church group to pray that I would stay well during this time of intensive study.  I didn’t think to ask that schools would stay open. I did a few using either text from Scripture or from my argument,… Read More »

The Role of the Spirit in Bible Interpretation

By | February 1, 2011

At the end of a good chapter on the role of the Spirit in biblical interpretation, Robert Stein concludes: “The role of the Spirit in interpretation is not an excuse for laziness. All the prayer in the world cannot substitute for a Bible dictionary, if we do not know the meaning of a biblical word.… Read More »

Apostrophe and S

By | January 31, 2011

I must see this mistake made at least once a week, but three times in a day still young has pushed me over the edge. The rule, very simply: if singular, put an apostrophe before the s; if plural, put an apostrophe after the s. Here are some examples: I’m going to Jackson’s home.  This… Read More »

Fig Leaf

By | January 29, 2011

I never would have guessed that when lines would be drawn at the school where I’m studying that I would find myself firmly on the side of Zane Hodges.  But I am. Perhaps the memory that will stay with me most distinctly from my years of study here is the moment in one of my… Read More »