Author Archives: Todd Bolen

The Prophets’ Predictions

By | January 27, 2011

Everything about the following sentence is wrong.  For analysis, I ‘ll break it down into phrases, but it’s all one sentence.  From Bruce Waltke, An Old Testament Theology, page 824: The prophets ‘ predictions embrace a beginning of fulfillment in Israel’s restoration from the exile, a victorious fulfillment in the church age stretching from Christ’s… Read More »

January 23

By | January 23, 2011

I have repented before, but it’s not been genuine.  I think I am finally convinced.  I wonder how long it will take me to change.  I’ve blown it three times in this paragraph so far. Who killed Lebanon’s prime minister?  This is an interesting article into the investigation with some insights into how the UN… Read More »

One Month

By | January 21, 2011

One month from today I plan to begin my exams.  My present preparations have slowed down this blog and probably will continue to.  Most of my readers probably have not and will not enjoy the experience of doctoral comprehensive exams.  Those of you who have (or will) may have very different experiences.  My program consists… Read More »

January 18

By | January 18, 2011

What does 7 billion people mean?  National Geographic summarizes it in three minutes, and thankfully it avoids scare tactics. What are the best-selling Christian books in 2010?  The answer is not encouraging about the state of the church. Paul Tripp provides a good perspective on parenting and “interruptions.” Our city of Plano ranks #1 on… Read More »

College Students Learn Nothing

By | January 18, 2011

From USA Today: Nearly half of the nation’s undergraduates show almost no gains in learning in their first two years of college, in large part because colleges don’t make academics a priority, a new report shows. Instructors tend to be more focused on their own faculty research than teaching younger students, who in turn are… Read More »


By | January 16, 2011

Following the Gospels, this book answers the question, “What’s next?” Since Jesus has ascended into heaven, the apostles are to go from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. That’s what happens in this book. In chapters 1-7, they are in Jerusalem. Persecution pushes them out to Judea and Samaria… Read More »

Extra Credit

By | January 7, 2011

It feels like old times when a former student gets a question wrong and asks for extra credit.  But I’m an easy guy and I gladly grant the wish.  Name the book: The book of ________ contains in brief form the messages of many other prophetic works. Condemnation is issued to both God’s people as… Read More »


By | January 4, 2011

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are similar in many ways, but the Gospel of John is quite different. It is the same Jesus, of course, but John knows those stories are well known to the churches and his readers, and so he chooses other stories. His main point: Jesus is God. In the first part of… Read More »

Name This Book

By | January 3, 2011

The book of __________ may well be the most neglected book in the Christian canon. Though Jewish people read the book once a year on …, preaching or teaching on this book in the church is scarce indeed. In three years of doctoral study, I don’t recall a reference being made to this book in… Read More »

The Lake of Fire

By | January 1, 2011

My advice to Hershel was that, as a Jew who does not accept Jesus as his savior, he need not worry about being thrown into the lake of fire at the end of time. These are words written by a New Testament professor to Hershel Shanks, editor of Biblical Archaeology Review in a column this… Read More »