Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Curds and Honey

By | December 29, 2010

I can’t get over Isaiah 7:14.  I probably think about it one way or another every week, and probably every day at times. One point that seems to me to refute decisively the majority of scholars who insist on an 8th-century fulfillment is verse 15. Isaiah 7:14–15 (NIV) — 14 Therefore the Lord himself will… Read More »

Studying the Bible

By | December 27, 2010

I’ve been asked by a couple of commenters (on the last post of the old blog location, since deleted) about the possibility of making available my “arguments” on each book of the Bible.  The thinking may be that since I’ve studied things out so well, that I have a contribution to make. That thinking, unfortunately,… Read More »

Christmas Photos

By | December 23, 2010

It’s been a good year.  I’d say our family looks better than it ever has! These photos were taken by our friend, Jack Pitney.  He did a great job! These photos were taken at a park about half a mile from where we live. For those who can’t keep track, Mark is 11, Luke is… Read More »

December 21

By | December 21, 2010

Would it be better if we legalized cocaine and heroin and criminalized pornography?  Which will be more destructive to more people in the long run?  I don’t know, but I think it’s a good idea to be aware of the awful consequences of a “victimless crime” and reading this powerful poem may help.  For resources,… Read More »

Handel’s Messiah

By | December 20, 2010

I ‘ll always remember this Christmas season as the one in which I learned Handel’s Messiah.  By that I don’t mean that I sang it in a choir.  I do mean that this was the first time I sat down and listened carefully to it in order to understand it. If you ‘re interested in… Read More »


By | December 19, 2010

While Luke tells the same basic story of the life of Jesus that Matthew and Mark do, he has some particular emphases. One is that Luke was a doctor, so he sometimes gives more details about medical issues and he doesn’t say bad things about doctors like the other writers do. Another is that he… Read More »

New Location

By | December 17, 2010

If you ‘re reading this post, you found the blog’s new location.  I’m sorry for any trouble that the move has caused you.  The reason for the move was increased privacy.  I think of this blog as a conversation between friends.  I write to those whom I know and to those who know me.  I… Read More »

Arguments Finished

By | December 15, 2010

Three years ago I began a writing project.  In January I began working on it full-time.  This morning I printed out the last page. I’ve described the nature of the project before, but I ‘ll summarize briefly here.  The official name of the courses is “Analysis of Old/New Testament Books,” but the popular name is… Read More »

December 14

By | December 14, 2010

If a man steals money from a casino, should he go to jail? If people go on a cruise in the Mediterranean in the middle of December, should they have a right to complain when they run into a storm?  Maybe they should have read the Bible before booking. What 4 oz drink has 190… Read More »