Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Recommended Children’s Book: Chronicles of Aedyn

By | September 18, 2010

I was going to recommend a book here, possibly in a list of recommendations or possibly in a more extended comment.  I finished reading this story to the kids tonight and everyone enjoyed it.  Before writing, I thought I’d hop over to Amazon and see more details about the book (since we found it in… Read More »

Yom Kippur

By | September 16, 2010

The most holy day of the year in the Jewish calendar begins at sunset tomorrow.  Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement” and its strict observance is commanded in Leviticus 16. Arutz-7 has a summary of the significance of the day.  It begins: The highest of the High Holidays – Yom Kippur – is only about… Read More »

My $3,000 Book

By | September 14, 2010

Perhaps you recall my post a few years back about a commentary on 1 Kings that I really wanted but that cost $2,736.18.  This is a good commentary, but it’s not old and it’s not made out of gold.  It was published by a major company (Anchor) in my sons ‘ lifetime (2001).  It has… Read More »

My Name in Ink

By | September 13, 2010

I know that this is going to disappoint some of you, but I trust that you can look past the exterior and not allow it to change your feelings about who I am inside.  Last year I got a tattoo.  If you ‘re apt to look down on me, I point out in my defense… Read More »

One Month

By | September 11, 2010

Kelli’s C-section is scheduled exactly one month from today.  I’m hoping the baby will decide on his own to arrive one day sooner.  It seems to me that it would be hard to forget your birth date if it was 10-10-10. Kelli is looking very good.  It’s not easy being pregnant in your final month,… Read More »

Who Is This Guy?

By | September 10, 2010

Read this slowly and determine who said these words. I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am He. Clearly this could be no one but God. This conclusion is obvious when you see what the Lord said in Isaiah. Who then is like… Read More »


By | September 8, 2010

A lot of Daniel will be familiar, and thus easy, for you [my son]. But parts of it are tough. Let me try to help you make sense of everything. Those stories that you already know in chapters 1-6 are more than just entertainment for kids. They make a very important point: God will protect… Read More »

Four Weeks

By | September 7, 2010

Three weeks ago I was studying Luke. Two weeks ago I was studying Acts. Last week I studied the Gospel of John. This week I’m in Romans. Good times.