Author Archives: Todd Bolen

May 13

By | May 13, 2010

This is an amazing fire illusion (1 min). I’ve really enjoyed the latest CD by Sovereign Grace, Sons and Daughters.  Someone took the song “The Prodigal” and animated it in a powerful way (3 min).  It’s worth watching! Jesus never read the New Testament.  Some good thoughts in this brief blog post. I don’t think… Read More »


By | May 12, 2010

I have some cool stuff that I would like to put into the hands of those who would like it.  These things are entirely free (to you, my friends), and there is no catch, no shipping charge, and no obligation.  Well, there is one catch: you can only choose one item.  I begin with some… Read More »

Do You Drink Coffee?

By | May 6, 2010

It’s a common question, but I’m never quite sure how to answer it.  When someone asks you, “Do you drink coffee?,” is their question more similar to: Do you like Coke? Or is it more akin to: Do you use heroin? The first question concerns taste: do you like how coffee tastes and therefore consume… Read More »

The Beginning of Wisdom

By | May 5, 2010

James Crenshaw is a retired professor who has spent his entire life studying the Wisdom Literature of the Bible.  He is an expert on Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes.  He has written numerous books on these subjects, and he is widely hailed as a scholar.  In a recent interview, he was asked how he would… Read More »

May 4

By | May 4, 2010

I’ve been upset with my students before, but this is taking things a bit too far. I don’t know much about the current mayor of Jerusalem, so I found this Q&A interesting.  The commentary by the LA Times at the beginning is hilarious.  (Who needs objectivity anyway?) Jonathan Moorhead has a great post on “How… Read More »

Best-Selling Study Bibles of 2009

By | May 3, 2010

What do you suppose was the best selling study Bible last year?  ESV Study Bible?  Archaeological Study Bible?  MacArthur or Ryrie or Stanley?  The actual list surprised me in many ways.  Hard to believe that people are still buying some of these. What’s the best?  I confess that I haven’t used the “American Patriot’s Study… Read More »

Mark’s Improvement

By | May 2, 2010

Since I last wrote, Mark has made significant strides.  We are thankful.  Saturday was not so good.  Between us and the nurses, I don’t think we got the pain medicine right.  And friends probably anticipated that it would be a busy visiting day and so no one did.  Today, however, was remarkably different.  It’s the… Read More »

Mark’s Recovery

By | May 1, 2010

We appreciate your prayers for Mark.  His recovery is on its way.  It’s nice to see him not in pain, though there may still be some episodes along the way. After a tough stretch last evening, we got some good advice from the nurse that we hope will be helpful in keeping the pain down. … Read More »

Mark’s Surgery Successful

By | April 29, 2010

Thank you for praying for us.  The surgery went well and Mark is back in his room. The doctor took pictures (and gave them to us).  Mark’s insides were definitely in need of a good cleaning out, but there were no complications.  The possibility that he would need to go to ICU was not realized. … Read More »