Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Summary of Genesis, Part 2

By | May 25, 2015

Seed: Each creation produces after its own kind. Mankind gives birth to people who are distinct from all other created beings. But with the introduction of sin, man may choose to honor his Creator, thereby acting in the image of God, or man may choose to follow the serpent, thus becoming the serpent’s spiritual seed.… Read More »

Summary of Genesis, Part 1

By | May 23, 2015

Here are my conclusions after spending the last year of my life in this most amazing first book of the Bible. The book of Genesis fills 50 chapters and spans thousands of years, and though its stories are familiar to many, summarizing its essential message is more difficult. Genesis is often explained by a series… Read More »

Genesis Commentaries

By | May 21, 2015

I recently finished teaching a class on Genesis at the college (which somewhat overlapped co-teaching Genesis in Sunday School). My preparation included reading five commentaries each week, besides notes I had from a commentary I had read previously. I thought I might just summarize my opinion of each in case anyone might have need in… Read More »

Quotes from The Devil’s Delusion

By | February 3, 2015

Here are a few interesting quotes from The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions, by David Berlinski (2nd edition, 2009). Thanks to Katie for typing them out for me. “Is there a God who has among other things created the universe? ‘It is not by conclusions, ‘ C.F. von Weizsacker has written in The… Read More »

September 30

By | September 30, 2014

This is the best medical explanation of the value of sleep that I have ever read. Do we really still need footnotes? Recommended TED talk: The danger of a single story Five Gay Marriage Myths – recommended reading. Here’s how to get your daughter ready for dating so you won’t need a shotgun.

September 2

By | September 2, 2014

I’ve collected these links over quite a long time. As long as you don’t limit your reading to the most recent, you may find something of interest here. Is this the next (honest) Lance Armstrong? This Washington Post profile will teach you more about the sport of cycling. What a Difference Six Years Can Make… Read More »

Millennial Views: Misconceptions about Dispensationalism

By | March 2, 2014

Perhaps without exception, dispensationalism is not accurately understood or described by those who do not accept it. One common failure is to emphasize features that were articulated by one person 100 years ago but which are not widely held today. Opponents often stress aspects that dispensationalists do not believe. This includes: 1. The significance of… Read More »

Millennial Views: How It Affects Your Life Now

By | February 28, 2014

One’s view of the millennium affects more than the way one would draw an end-time chart. As is clear from the previous posts, some see “end times” events as occurring right now whereas others believe they are yet future. This has a significant impact on what one believes about God’s work in the world today… Read More »

Millennial Views: Two Types of Premillennialism

By | February 25, 2014

I am convinced that premillennialism is the best interpretation of the biblical texts of God’s plan for the future, but I am much more comfortable with what is known today as the dispensational variety of premillennialism. What’s the difference between what I believe and what someone like John Piper would affirm? Historic premillennialism sits on… Read More »