Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Isaiah 29

By | April 10, 2010

Quick – tell me everything you know about Isaiah 29. Ok, take your time and think about it. Not much better, eh? Interesting.  As you know, I’m teaching through Isaiah in Sunday School this year and last week I taught chapter 28.  I told the class from the start that I didn’t plan to teach… Read More »

My First Commentary

By | April 9, 2010

Thanks for taking my poll on what biblical commentary I might write.  I don’t get a lot of interaction on this blog, so it’s nice to get a little from time to time.  By its very nature, the poll obviously wasn’t so serious.  It was more of a gauge on your perception of my future,… Read More »

April 7

By | April 7, 2010

The Tyndale Commentaries are now available for Logos.  For a few more days, there’s a deal for $140.  This is a great set for the average person, and this is the best price I’ve seen.  (Good until 4/10.) If you’ve done any image editing, you will find this incredible.  It might convince me to buy… Read More »

Some Observations on Commentaries

By | April 6, 2010

I wrote two sermons yesterday and one this afternoon.   My hopes to write the fourth (and final) this evening have run aground on 2 Chronicles 32:24ff.   I can’t figure it out and the dozen or so commentaries I’ve checked so far aren’t even asking the right question, let alone answering it. But I… Read More »

Alabaster Boxes of Your Affection

By | April 5, 2010

Here is a good reminder from J. R. Miller, via Grace Gems: Do not keep the alabaster boxes of your affection sealed and laid away–until your friends are dead. Fill their present days with tenderness. Speak your words of commendation, while their ears can hear them! The things you mean to say when they are… Read More »

New Discoveries in Isaiah

By | April 1, 2010

I haven’t said much here lately about Isaiah, but it’s not because I haven’t been working hard at it.  I would like to continue on with the series, but I can’t promise yet if/when that will happen.  But I just finished teaching chapters 24-27 in Sunday School.  This section is popularly known as the “Little… Read More »

Troops on Guam

By | April 1, 2010

Last Friday House Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA) was questioning Admiral Robert Willard, head of the U.S. Pacific fleet, about the stationing of an additional 5,000 U.S. troops on Guam.  Pay attention right at the 1:15 mark! 

Car for Sale

By | April 1, 2010

I’m selling my car, so if you know anyone in the market, pass the word on.  The car’s in great shape.  I’m only selling it because the mileage is getting high and I just ordered a newer one. Thanks!

To TMC and Back

By | March 31, 2010

I’m back home from a quick trip to California.  Some of you prayed; thank you.  A few observations: 1. My first impression when I got out of the airport was how beautiful southern California was.  I was looking at some very green hills.  I haven’t seen that since I last left Texas.  2. I have… Read More »

Spiritually Undernourished Christians

By | March 26, 2010

From Bruce Waltke, An Old Testament Theology: Only those who have journeyed through the Old Testament can appreciate the full splendor and glory of the New Testament and fully digest its fruit, and those who have not cannot.  The consequence of a general ignorance about the Old Testament among the people of God is a… Read More »