Author Archives: Todd Bolen

1-2 Kings

By | March 8, 2010

This morning I begin 1-2 Kings.  Here’s how the book looks in Wordle. Today is the first day since I started this project that I have been on schedule.  That won’t last long if I continue to find distractions like Wordle.

March 5

By | March 5, 2010

If you’ve ever wondered how much a book costs, you ‘ll want to read this NY Times article. If you like Amazon and have time to wait for the price to drop, you might find this site useful:  Krauthammer is good again. Thomas Sowell on the health care cost problem: Nothing would lower costs… Read More »

March 2

By | March 2, 2010

What would I know about you if I knew the Google searches you made in the last month?  What does God think, since he does know.  This is worth considering. BTW, how does Google always know exactly what you want?  It’s all about algorithms. Since I’m talking Google, did you know that the best man… Read More »

Salvation in Judges

By | February 25, 2010

I was reading a chapter on the book of Judges today and I came across a sentence that stopped me in my tracks. God did not wait until His people had cleaned up their lives (i.e., repented) before He saved them.  He delivered them when they cried to Him for help ([Judges] 3:9, 15; 4:3;… Read More »

On Judges and Reading Whole Books

By | February 23, 2010

Today I read Judges.  I don’t know exactly, but I estimate that I spent about five hours reading through the book (once).  It was an exceptional journey.  I’ve suggested here before that we need to read more books (and less stories and chapters).  Things come to life in a different way if you read the… Read More »

Redating the Conquest

By | February 19, 2010

I read this today and couldn’t figure out if the guy is trying to rewrite history or if he is just ignorant. “It is widely argued that Joshua’s account of the conquest does not match what is known from archaeology about the patterns of occupation and destruction of the cities in Canaan….Conservative explanations for these… Read More »

February 18

By | February 18, 2010

We had almost a foot of snow at our home in Dallas last week.  It snowed for about 24 hours straight.  That apparently set a record.  The kids got an extra day off school (thus a four-day weekend) and everyone had lots of fun.  Unfortunately it’s staying cold; the neighbor’s snowman is still standing a… Read More »

Ah! You See!

By | February 17, 2010

You probably are familiar with the story of Jim Elliot and the five missionaries who were killed by the Aucas in South America in the 1950s.  I recently read the story of their work by Elisabeth Elliot and I thought that she made a valuable observation in the second epilogue (written in 1996).  She considers… Read More »


By | February 16, 2010

I have a strict schedule for my arguments project this year, but unfortunately I got a couple of days behind right at the start with the Israel return and illness.  This past week I’ve been working on Deuteronomy, but when I woke up this morning I had not written any of my argument proper (I… Read More »

Nahal Paran

By | February 10, 2010

I’d love to do a “favorite days in my life” series, but I doubt anyone would be interested but me.  But I came across this photo tonight and it reminded me of a very good day that ended in Nahal Paran.  Spectacular scenery, a gazillion stars at night, and good friends.  April 20, 2007