Author Archives: Todd Bolen

February 8

By | February 8, 2010

My favorite Super Bowl ad (of those I saw) was by Audi.  My guess is that it won’t be too long before we won’t find it funny. A survey of Protestant pastors asked them to "name the top three living Christian preachers that most influence you."  In the top ten were a father and a… Read More »

Orthodoxy or the Academy?

By | February 6, 2010

This came out last month when I was away, but I want to note it for any academics who read here who didn’t see it.  Carl Trueman on “The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind“: Third, there would seem to be a pervasive evangelical inferiority complex. This means that, while we do not wish to… Read More »

February 3

By | February 3, 2010

The media doesn’t know we exist.  Or at least they don’t believe it.  That’s judging from this story about Tim Tebow.  They act as if he is the only intelligent, articulate Christian who is saving himself for marriage. Actually, one of them knows.  This column by WP columnist Sally Jenkins puts everything else in sharp… Read More »


By | February 2, 2010

A few weeks ago in Jerusalem, I was on a tour of the Western Wall tunnels with an Israeli guide.  She’s a fifth-grade teacher by day, but she supplements her income by taking tourists along through excavated passageways in the evening.  As we had some time to talk personally, I asked her about her job… Read More »

To Die Is…

By | January 31, 2010

Guy in the ministry, mid-30s, living in the Dallas area.  Has a wonderful wife and young children.  And brain cancer.  How would you respond if it were you? How would you respond differently if you knew God better?


By | January 25, 2010

I have returned, but my intentions to resume blogging have been thwarted by illness, catching up on other things, and more illness.  The trip was excellent and virtually everything I was praying for was answered in the best way (including that I not get sick until the trip was over).  To those of you who… Read More »

January 1

By | January 1, 2010

If you think that the terrorists haven’t already won, it must be because you don’t fly on airplanes.   Christopher Hitchens asks “Why are we so bad at detecting the guilty and so good at collective punishment of the innocent?” Here’s a provoking column in the NY Times that I read many months ago but… Read More »

Thoughts on Bible Study

By | December 28, 2009

Several people have asked me in recent months to share my thoughts on studying Scripture.  I don’t think I have anything unique to share on the subject, but sometimes hearing it again or from one you know can give a fresh push.  In that light, I offer a few thoughts. The most important thing for… Read More »