Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Dan to Sinai

By | December 26, 2009

Tomorrow I fly to Israel to teach a three-week seminary program.  I’ve prepared a couple of posts that will go up later this week, but I don’t expect to have much time to post much else of substance while I’m traveling. If you forget and check in here and see nothing new, perhaps that will… Read More »


By | December 24, 2009

It’s snowing and I’m grilling.  Does that lower anyone’s estimate of me? Yesterday, when we planned this, it was 80. Our children, November 2009

December 23

By | December 23, 2009

The website of Jerusalem Assembly is significantly improved since I last visited.  Among other things, it now includes a video of the new ministry center (yes, they finally bought a building!) and videos of Bookman’s course on the Passion Week. I think I need to read The Natural Superiority of Mules in order to understand… Read More »

Weak or Weary?

By | December 22, 2009

Isaiah 40:30-31 (NIV) “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who _______________ will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” If you can’t fill in the blank, look it up.  In… Read More »

December 17

By | December 17, 2009

Tim Tam Slam – if you don’t know what this is, you ought to give it a try.  It is especially fun in a family setting.  Buy some Tim Tams and bring them to the party this Christmas. Proofreading is important.  I saw a brand new book today in an expensive set that I’ve mentioned… Read More »

Kingdom of Priests for Logos – $20

By | December 16, 2009

Today only Merrill’s 2nd edition of Kingdom of Priests is available for Logos at “half price.”  I put that in quotation marks because it is based on the retail price ($40), and you can buy the paperback version every day at Amazon for $26.  This brings to mind yet again my frustration at having to… Read More »

Milestone #2

By | December 15, 2009

For those of you keeping score at home, this morning I completed another phase in my PhD program.  I will never again sit in a classroom as a student.  Until, of course, I do.  But assuming that I pass all of the present courses, I am not required to enroll in any more seminars for… Read More »

I Have Soared into the Heavens

By | December 12, 2009

For the last twelve weeks, I have taught through Isaiah 1-12 in Sunday School.  It has been wonderful.  Tomorrow I will summarize this section, and next week I will explain how Matthew understood Isaiah’s prophecies in 1-12 to be fulfilled in Jesus.  I’ve discussed some of this previously on this blog, though my present study… Read More »

December 11

By | December 11, 2009

Challies gives his top 9 books of 2009.  Though I haven’t read any of the books, my guess is that I would tend to agree with his choices.  (Can I say that?) Andreas Kostenberger suggests his top 10 theological books of the year.  This afternoon I bought his A Theology of John’s Gospel and Letters… Read More »

December 8

By | December 8, 2009

Here’s a question on last week’s math homework for our 2nd-grader: Mrs. Leary has chickens and dogs in her backyard.  She counts 15 heads and 42 feet.  How many dogs does Mrs. Leary have? How long would it take you to figure that out? Here’s the Book of Philippians in a new way.  This group… Read More »