Author Archives: Todd Bolen

November 11

By | November 9, 2009

The Iraqi military is using the latest in military technology.  If only suicide bombers were so “smart.” One blogger answers the question of how he manages a busy life with four kids. If you have kids, you might find some helpful advice here. Desiring God has some interesting and affordable book packages in time for… Read More »

Less Sweet Enjoyments?

By | November 7, 2009

By J. R. Miller, via Grace Gems: Is the love of pleasure growing upon you, gaining the power and the ascendency over you? Is it dulling the keenness of your zest for spiritual pleasures? Is it making Bible-study, prayer, communion with Christ, meditation upon holy themes–less sweet enjoyments than before? Is it making your hunger… Read More »

Ancient Police Report

By | November 6, 2009

This strikes me as funny.  At least it provides a revealing look into ancient life.  It was written on papyrus in AD 28 in Egypt. To Serapion, chief of police, from Orsenouphis son of Harpaesis, notable of the village of Euhemeria, in the division of Themistes.  In the month Mesore of the past 14th year… Read More »

Above, Below, and on Either Side

By | November 5, 2009

The Turabian handbook is well-known to students as a guide for writing research papers, theses, and dissertations.  Within another few weeks, I ‘ll have read it cover to cover.  Tonight I read this sage piece of advice on finding books on your topic: If you ‘re allowed in the stacks (where all the books that… Read More »

Scholarly Imaginations

By | November 4, 2009

What I’d like to see sometime in an analysis of a scholarly theory. The only value in Smith’s proposal is that no one has ever thought of it before.  He has substituted imagination for analysis, creativity for evidence.  While this is likely to garner acclaim in the scholarly world, it is worthless for determining truth.… Read More »

November 3

By | November 3, 2009

The WSJ says that Obamacare is The Worst Bill Ever. Why are we so busy?  Pascal tells you. Have you ever tried holding down the control key and pressing a cursor button at the same time?  I didn’t start using this shortcut until a few months ago, but now I use it all the time. … Read More »

Thoughts on Bible Book Poll

By | November 2, 2009

I’ve been asked to explain my thoughts behind giving a poll asking which Bible book you would take to a desert island if you could only take one.  The inquiry was a good one, as there a little bit of thought behind the poll. In order to answer the question, you had to think through… Read More »

Why Boast, and about What?

By | November 1, 2009

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. ‘ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions,… Read More »


By | October 31, 2009

Gorgeous day today. It started out at 46, but there’s absolutely no way that this afternoon could be any better in terms of weather. It’s not been that way much this month, however.  It rained at least 19 of the first 28 days, and most of Mark’s soccer games were cancelled, including all three this… Read More »

One Book of the Bible

By | October 29, 2009

The first poll on this blog was not a failure, so we’ll try another one. There might be value in thinking about this question. <div><a href=”″ mce_href=”″>Click Here for Poll</a><a href=”” mce_href=”” title=”online surveys”>Online Survey</a><BR> | <a href=”” mce_href=”” title=”Website Polls”>Website Polls</a><BR> | <a href=”” mce_href=”” title=”email marketing”>Email Marketing</a><BR><BR> | <a href=”” mce_href=”” title=”crowdsourcing software”>Crowdsourcing… Read More »