Author Archives: Todd Bolen

October 28

By | October 28, 2009

Yesterday I read a book entitled The PC is Not a Typewriter.  If you ‘re a nerd like me, you might enjoy it.  The book was written in 1995, so I thought that it would be so out-dated and basic that I would have nothing to learn.  But I was wrong.  Some things are a… Read More »

Three Views on the Millennium

By | October 27, 2009

I don’t know if you have two hours to listen to a debate about the millennium, but I enjoyed this one even though my view was not represented.  The other thing missing from this debate: the Old Testament!  Too bad God wasted all that time writing those books that describe in extraordinary detail the future. … Read More »

Errancy as the Gateway Heresy

By | October 26, 2009

Throughout my life the Lord has led me places where at the time I had no idea of just how significant it would be in preparing me for the future.  It’s astonishing to me how many of these there are and how clueless I have been along the way.  One example is that in my… Read More »

How Do You Deal With Your Critics? (MacArthur)

By | October 25, 2009

John MacArthur preached on “The Centrality of Forgiveness in Unity” last year in TMC Faculty/Staff chapel and it was so beneficial that copies were made for everyone.  Fortunately, I’m on the list and was mailed a copy.  The whole message is good, but I especially liked this portion and so I typed it out and… Read More »

Christian Academics

By | October 23, 2009

This blog post says better than I could a number of things that have grieved me in recent years.  If you ‘re teaching or planning to teach the Bible, please read it.  If you ‘re thinking of sending your child to a “Christian college,” please read it.  If you ‘re considering beginning a seminary education,… Read More »

The Depth of Man’s Stupidity

By | October 22, 2009

This is a long quote from a dead guy, so you ‘re going to be tempted to skip it.  Go ahead, I dare you. Epictetus was a Stoic philosopher who lived in the 1st century AD.  This is a portion of his section entitled “Of Providence.”  “I declare, by Zeus and all the gods, one… Read More »

Kingdom Today? A Poll

By | October 21, 2009

With limited time tonight and a desire to get some feedback from time to time, I’ve created the first poll at this blog. <div><a href=”″ mce_href=”″>Click Here for Poll</a><a href=”” mce_href=”” title=”online surveys”>Online Survey</a><BR> | <a href=”” mce_href=”” title=”Website Polls”>Website Polls</a><BR> | <a href=”” mce_href=”” title=”email marketing”>Email Marketing</a><BR><BR> | <a href=”” mce_href=”” title=”crowdsourcing software”>Crowdsourcing Software</a><BR><a… Read More »

October 19

By | October 19, 2009

A long time ago I wished aloud for a better way to access old TMC chapel messages.  Somebody else must have had the same desire.  Very nice!  Where to start?  How about Dr. Pilkey or Dr. Bookman or Harry Walls? How do you sign your email?  Sincerely, regards, cheers?  It turns out that I’m not… Read More »

Course Textbooks This Semester

By | October 15, 2009

I have been asked in a comment on the previous post to list the textbooks for the courses this semester.  1. Research Procedures Required texts: Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers. 7th ed. Revised by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph… Read More »

Courses This Semester

By | October 14, 2009

In previous semesters, I have commented here on the courses I was taking.  We ‘re about eight weeks into the semester, but I thought some might be interested in knowing what I’m doing.  As always, whenever I talk about these things, I feel that my work is unworthy because I’m not studying stuff that is… Read More »