Author Archives: Todd Bolen

September 23

By | September 23, 2009

Only one piece in the mail today.  A $500 check from the credit card company.  I like cashback. I spent the day writing a paper on the Pool of Siloam, with a focus on whether or not it was used as a mikveh.  Answer: probably not. I’ve been swindled.  A DVD set I bought through… Read More »

A Long Hike

By | September 22, 2009

An American Christian guy is hiking the Israel Trail, reports the Jerusalem Post, and I’m wondering if they have an article about me.  No, my doctoral dissertation is not on “hiking trails and tourism in Israel.”  Where did I lose my way? If you ‘re an IBEX alumnus, you should join the Facebook group.  If… Read More »


By | September 20, 2009

Tonight in Arlington, Texas, in venues only a few miles apart, crowds have gathered to witness their heroes. In one of the venues, the heroes are distinguished by their physical ability.  Most of them have big muscles.  Some of them can run fast.  Many of them are large, loud, and tough. In the other venue,… Read More »

September 16

By | September 16, 2009

Ramadan is a good time to remember to pray for Muslims.  You can see some fantastic photos at The Big Picture. How do you not smile after a tennis shot like this? I thought it was interesting to see a 24-hour display of all commercial flights in the world. Great Jewish curse – may all… Read More »

Piper and the Future

By | September 16, 2009

We ‘ve talked here before (with 27 comments) about Piper’s eschatology and the place of national Israel in it.  In that regard, I would note that his upcoming “Evening on Eschatology” has representatives for three viewpoints, but no one for dispensational premillennialism.  In other words, there may be multiple legitimate viewpoints, but dispensationalism is not… Read More »

Comforting the Hurting

By | September 15, 2009

My friend Craig wrote last week about the (short) life of his daughter in connection with a Dallas Morning News story on a couple who enjoyed every day with a son they knew would not live long.  The story prompted Craig to say more about his daughter than I recall him writing in the past. … Read More »

For PhD Students

By | September 14, 2009

If you ‘re swimming in the academic waters of Biblical Studies all day, every day, it’s good to have a reminder of what the Bible was written for.  I think that for too many, the means become the ends.  Desire for ministry becomes replaced by desire for expertise.  A. W. Pink has a wise word… Read More »

"The Inheritance of our Ancestors"

By | September 10, 2009

First Maccabees was written about 100 B.C., but you can imagine the Prime Minister of Israel today saying the very same thing.  Simon is Netanyahu and Athenobius is the United Nations ‘ representative.  1 Maccabees 15:28-36: He sent to him Athenobius, one of his Friends, to confer with him, saying, “You hold control of Joppa… Read More »


By | September 9, 2009

My nine-year-old son shared this with me when he arrived home from Awana tonight. What is today’s date? 9/9/9 What day is it and how many letters does it have?  Wednesday, 9 What month is it and how many letters does it have?  September, 9 What number day of the year is it?  252, the… Read More »