Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Everywhere is Beautiful

By | August 27, 2009

It doesn’t look like I’m going to have much time to write about our long summer drive, not to mention the fact that I’m forgetting what I was going to write about.  But I haven’t forgotten how beautiful everything was.  Truly, the West is beautiful.  (The East cannot compare.)  I think that every state was… Read More »

67 Books in the Bible

By | August 26, 2009

There may be people out there waiting for me to become a heretic.  Or at least to reveal such.  Here’s some ammunition. What do you think about the Apocrypha?  Should it be part of the Bible?  Is it God’s Word?  Have you read it? I’ve spent the last week reading through it and have almost… Read More »

August 18

By | August 18, 2009

This guy is only 30, but he is dangerous.   If any American church will have him, that is.   I was turned on to it because someone said this was the best sermon ever delivered at the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors Conference.   TMC needs to get him out for chapel.   And stand… Read More »

Gays Sue Yad HaShmonah

By | August 16, 2009

If Yad HaShmonah is not on your prayer list already, here’s another reason to add them: Several months ago, a same-sex couple petitioned the courts in Israel in an attempt to sue the religiously affiliated commune Yad Hadmashona for punitive damages. According to the petitioners, the moshav prohibited them from holding their marriage celebration on… Read More »

On Prices

By | August 15, 2009

Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday, and it’s a significant round-numbered one.  I bought her a piece of jewelry.  I think it’s the first since a diamond ring 17 years ago.  So I’m not really an expert in the field.  But I was just stunned at how the pricing works on these things.  First you have… Read More »

Summer Vacation #2: Audio Books

By | August 13, 2009

Someone asked in the comments, and even if they hadn’t, I had planned on telling you.  We listened to five books, of varying lengths, on our 4500-mile drive. O Jerusalem – with 22 CDs, my kids starting rebelling on this one. I didn’t make them listen to it, but put the audio only through the… Read More »

$1200 for airfare and 8 nights in Israel

By | August 12, 2009

Here’s the link: It’s so cheap that there have to be catches.  Here’s what I note: Only one dinner is included. You fly out of New York, Chicago, or Miami. Dates are very limited. Airport taxes of $130 are not included. I’m sure all kinds of other tips, taxes, gratuities, fees, and deposits are… Read More »

Summer Vacation #1

By | August 11, 2009

Here’s our trip by the numbers.  17 rides at Disneyland in 6.5 hours 14 people in our family photo 7 states visited 6 riders in our van 5 books on CD listened to 4 thousand five hundred miles driven 3 visits to the car garage 2 rivers we swam in 1 salt lake we floated… Read More »

The Transformed Heart

By | August 10, 2009

I’m back from vacation; hopefully more on that soon.  Tonight I read a booklet by Dallas Willard entitled The Transformed Heart.  It was originally published as the first chapter of Renovation of the Heart.  It is worth reading, and I share here one good statement and one that is not. Bad: Preparation for Jesus came… Read More »