Author Archives: Todd Bolen

How Do You Make Christ Look Great?

By | June 11, 2009

The DesiringGod Blog has posted a new video using a mix from 1031sermonjams. Philippians 3:7-8 (NIV) “But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I… Read More »

German Tips

By | June 9, 2009

I received official word today that I can forget all of my German.  While I’m still an expert, I thought I would pass on my wisdom concerning the language.  Actually, it does not take a whole lot to be able to confidently read the latest spam. First, those capital letters all over the place.  Capitalized… Read More »

Philistine Egnlsih

By | June 3, 2009

I’ve never taken a summer school class in my life as far as I can remember.  Now I’m taking two.  German class is getting close to conclusion, and this week I’m auditing a course on Messianic Prophecy, M-F 8-5.  While I’m in class, my friend Danny is spending his life in the library (which happens… Read More »

An Interview

By | June 2, 2009

If I’m a rock star and you ‘re one of the screaming fans in the front row, you ‘ll want to rush out to the newsstand and pick up the latest copy of Rolling Stone Adult Bible Studies Illustrated (Summer 2009).  A five-page article features an interview with me and enough photos of the photographer to… Read More »

1 Samuel Overview

By | June 1, 2009

Yesterday I finished a year and three months of teaching through 1 Samuel with a lesson on the book as a whole.  I summarized the message of 1-2 Samuel with this single statement: The kingship of Israel is established by God through the prophet Samuel by an everlasting covenant with the house of David. Should… Read More »

May 30

By | May 30, 2009

25 Golden Rules of E-Mail.  Most of these are good and worth following.  #7 and #8 are my pet peeves (in the circles I’m in, the problem is less with angry emails (#19) than it is with emailing my address to everyone they’ve ever met).  #23 is brilliant: declare "e-mail bankruptcy" once in a while. … Read More »

Academic Folly

By | May 26, 2009

The world of biblical studies is, unfortunately, not filled by people seeking to do God’s will for God’s glory.  What is most disappointing to me is to see this among evangelicals.  This is not a new problem, as illustrated by this letter by John Newton (1725-1807), circulated by GraceGems. Dear friend, I truly pity those… Read More »

Is God Punishing You For Your Sin?

By | May 23, 2009

If you know much about Chronicles (or the Bible in general), you know that obedience brings blessing and disobedience brings punishment.  That theme is in every chapter of the 65 chapters of Chronicles.  It’s repeated so much, you might be forgiven for growing tired of it.  Apply that to your life and you realize that… Read More »

May 18

By | May 18, 2009

Michael Oren, author of the excellent Six Days of War and recently appointed Israeli ambassador to the United States, has an essay on “Seven Existential Threats” to Israel.  There really is no reason why Israel should exist twenty years from now.  (Except God.) Fascinating wall chart on where tax dollars come and go.  The Secret… Read More »