Author Archives: Todd Bolen

March 16

By | March 16, 2009

Car seats are killers.  The Washington Post has a heart-breaking story on parents who have left their children in cars.  I don’t know who this guy is, but you don’t often hear Arabs saying these kinds of things.  (That probably means he ‘ll be dead soon.)  7 minute video. When you watch this video from… Read More »

Blessing Over the Sun, Every 28 Years

By | March 13, 2009

Interesting.  I had no idea.  From Arutz-7: Though the sun is some 400 times larger than the moon, a blessing over the latter is made nearly 350 times more often than over the former.  This coming month will see that rare occasion when the Blessing Over the Sun is recited. Jewish Law stipulates that a… Read More »

March 10

By | March 10, 2009

All of you who come here regularly looking for recommendations of good TV shows are pretty disappointed, I know.  But I have one for you.  This was a Discovery Channel series that is now on DVD, which we checked out of the church library in preparation for a trip to the Kennedy Space Center.  Entitled… Read More »

Square Root Day

By | March 3, 2009

Watch flight 1549 land in the Hudson.  Animation with audio from flight control. The Pomegranate is a phone that can do it all. Everything is possible, with practice.  A nice 3-minute compilation.  I really like the wave. Today is Luke’s 11th birthday.  It is also “Square Root Day.”  From BOTWT: 3/3/09, 3 x 3 =… Read More »


By | March 2, 2009

I don’t know who Jack Hughes is, and maybe that makes it all the more remarkable.  This has to be the best sermon on hell I’ve ever heard.  You should listen to it.  Yes, you.

Pole Vaulting Photo

By | February 27, 2009

Take a close look at this picture. (Click to enlarge) First, try to guess where it was taken.  If you guessed Jerusalem in the 1930s, you ‘re right. Next, tell me what’s wrong with it.  Unbelievable.  And we think we ‘re tough. Third, I wonder if a photo exists of me anywhere from my pole-vaulting… Read More »

February 22

By | February 22, 2009

Care to hunt pigs in Israel?  They are fast critters.  Except the one I caught at Yad HaShmonah once, playing a game of flashlight tag. Four new designs for the back of the penny (which, by the way, costs 1.4 cents to make). Do you have trouble threading a needle?  This guy doesn’t! A massive… Read More »

Who Wrote the Book of James?

By | February 19, 2009

Who do you think wrote the book of James?  The book identifies the author only as “James, the servant of Jesus Christ.”  The prevailing opinion, if one discounts a pseudonymous author, is that the epistle was written by the brother of Jesus.  I don’t find the evidence compelling. There are four James mentioned in the… Read More »