Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Israeli Responses to the New Testament

By | February 14, 2009

The experience of one Israeli Jew who ventured to read the New Testament in public might surprise you. From the Caspari Center Media Review: Ariel Shinbal was reintroduced to the concept of "conversion to Christianity" with a rude shock, according to his column in the religious weekly Makor Rishon last week (January 30). Having thought… Read More »

February 9

By | February 9, 2009

A Palestinian journalist has some very insightful thoughts about the current situation in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel.  It’s not short, but it’s honest. John Piper’s latest biographical sermon is now available (audio, text).  His subject was George Whitefield and his title was “‘I Will Not Be a Velvet-Mouthed Preacher! ‘ The Life and… Read More »

February 3

By | February 3, 2009

Dallas Seminary is in the news.  Unfortunately it’s because the VP of Finance embezzled $165,000.  If you watch the video, you ‘ll feel sorry for the wife who declares his innocence because “I know my husband.”  So who should you vote for in the upcoming election in Israel?  This site reveals your political position based… Read More »

The Glorious Hope of Isaiah (#9: The Kingdom)

By | February 1, 2009

You should have your devotions in Isaiah 11.  Every day for a month.  Besides being filled with hope of the world that is coming, you would be inoculated from much false understanding of the New Testament.  You wouldn’t say, as the DTS professor who spoke at my church this morning said, that we the church… Read More »

Prophetic Perfects, Photographs, and a Pilot

By | January 28, 2009

Dr. Bookman is challenging sacred cows in his questioning of the already/not yet construct. The Blue Angels go low in the SF Bay. I thought this article was interesting: All I want to do is Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom: Microsoft’s Photosynth, the best thing to happen to photography since the digital camera. Car lands on… Read More »

Gaza, Greek, and Carbon 14

By | January 26, 2009

A trustworthy friend who once lived in Gaza highly recommends this WSJ article on the background of the situation there. The Terrorism Awareness Project has an 8-minute animated slideshow that gives the background of the Arab-Israeli conflict. If you ‘re suspicious of Carbon 14 dating, this brief article might be of interest. I don’t live… Read More »