Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Jehu, E’s, Videos

By | October 30, 2008

I received a letter today that my dissertation topic was approved by the Ph.D. Studies Committee.  My topic is the reign of Jehu, or more specifically: An investigation into the geopolitical aspects of the reign of Jehu, with particular focus on Israelite-Aramean relations.  I won’t start real work on the dissertation until (probably) spring 2011. … Read More »

100 Families Today

By | October 28, 2008

In the midst of an email a friend wrote the other day was this sentence: It’s amazing… even in Indonesia alone, New Tribes Mission would love to have 100 new families today to send into new tribal works of people who have never been reached. I thought, is that true?  I mean, in just one… Read More »

Lessons from Job

By | October 21, 2008

Tommy Bosworth, a former IBEXer, a former travelmate to Turkey, and now a fellow student at DTS, went to the Desiring God conference last weekend on the Book of Job.  He sent out a recommendation to some friends to watch the videos, and he listed some things that he learned.  He has given me permission… Read More »

Does This Election Matter?

By | October 19, 2008

If you ‘re still entertaining any notion whatsoever of voting for Obama, you should read Justin Taylor’s review of the first thing that Obama has promised to do as president.  The review concludes: So to summarize this act–which again, Barack Obama has promised to sign as his first order of business in the White House–abortion… Read More »

ESV Study Bible: First Thoughts

By | October 16, 2008

I became minorly personally involved in this project when an editor asked me for some advice.  Later I was given the chance to endorse the Bible (on the basis of materials sent electronically), and it quickly became clear that whatever powers that be had really no idea of my humble status.  Yesterday I saw a… Read More »


By | October 5, 2008

How can we learn contentment? (J. R. Miller, "The Hidden Life" 1895) "I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am." Philippians 4:11 How can we learn contentment? One step toward contentment, is patient submission to unavoidable ills and hardships. No earthly lot is perfect. No mortal ever yet in this world, has… Read More »

Birds, Meltdown, and the Universe

By | September 30, 2008

If you ‘re looking for a simple explanation of how the country got into this financial mess, you can read “Picturing the Subprime Mortgage Meltdown and Rescue as a Bedtime Story.” The one possibility that would bring death to nearly every liberal theory: the ancients were intelligent. Amazing bird sounds (3 min) – make sure… Read More »

Some Things – 9/24

By | September 24, 2008

So what do I do all week?  Feel dumb.  Last Friday I read hermeneutics and felt dumb.  Monday I studied Isaiah and felt —-.  Yesterday I studied the New Perspective on Paul and —- —-.  Today in class, yup.  Actually there was a bright moment, when, for about 10 seconds, I thought, hey, I’ve heard… Read More »