Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Summer Reading, Part 1

By | August 20, 2008

I thought I might review some of my recent reading here, not 1) to burden you with more reading than you already have, nor 2) to impress you with my reading, as I know it is impressive neither in quantity nor in erudite works, nor 3) to suggest that these are the best works to… Read More »

Something for Everyone

By | August 15, 2008

Here’s the latest edition of me helping you to spend your precious little time.  Enjoy! John Walton has written a great little post on Zondervan Academic’s new blog on bad things people do in teaching children the Bible.  I’m motivated to do something about it (tell a S.S. lesson, write a blog post, something).  But… Read More »

In the News

By | August 11, 2008

The Steven Curtis Chapman family talked with Larry King about the recent death of their daughter.  Israelis thriving in a Muslim land?  Yes, really. Eisenbrauns is selling some good titles this month at excellent prices.  That was a great relay race last night when the French failed to smash the Americans.  Besides the obvious drama… Read More »

The Purpose of Amusements

By | August 10, 2008

J. R. Miller, “In Green Pastures” 1890, via Grace Gems: Amusement must never become an end in life. It must always be a means, a help on the way–just as sleep is, just as rest is. An hour’s amusement, should be to you, just what a night’s sleeping is. It should make you stronger, clearer-headed,… Read More »


By | August 8, 2008

The cool date of 08/08/08 is one I’ve thought about for years.  Now it’s here.  August 8 is our anniversary, and so we always celebrate it on 08/08, but this year, it’s better (especially if you’re intrigued by numbers, as I am).  I suppose it would be better if it were our 8th or 80th… Read More »

God's Purpose in Creation

By | August 6, 2008

I heard that there were some good messages at the Resolved conference this year, and since for a time they are not charging for those messages, I downloaded and listened to the final sermon, that by John Piper.  It was an excellent message, and probably would have been better if I had heard some of… Read More »

Six Flags

By | August 4, 2008

Since I mentioned our impending visit to Six Flags and a few people have asked me about it, here are a few thoughts: First, I can save you a year of marketing classes in college by simply suggesting that you go to Six Flags and observe.   These guys are brilliant in selling, upselling, reselling,… Read More »

Brain Power

By | August 2, 2008

Earlier this year a professor sent me his collection of 18,000 images of the biblical lands.  As I have time, I look through some.  In my first pass through, I set Irfanview to advance each one every half second.  So I’m watching these pictures fly by, many from different angles than I’m used to, and… Read More »

Dissertation follow-up

By | August 1, 2008

I think it would be appropriate for me to comment on my previous post about the poorly written dissertation.  I gave the impression to some that I did not esteem a particular school, and I want to state that that is not the case.  My point would have been the same if I did not… Read More »


By | July 30, 2008

I won’t bore you with the story (about how I am always reading to my kids at 8 at night and generally never walk outside for no reason, etc.), but tonight I walked outside and I saw this. It’s actually a double rainbow.  My camera, my wonderful awesome camera, pretty much hates me since I… Read More »