Author Archives: Todd Bolen


By | July 29, 2008

Here’s my latest collection of random things: Video: Italian police motorbike riders in the 50s. We had about 33 in our living room in Israel, but these guys fit 15 in a Smart car. The wonderful Irfanview has an update out, and it took me less than 3 seconds to find an improved feature that… Read More »

i ken right a sntecen; givv me pHd

By | July 27, 2008

Just how high are the standards for doctoral dissertations?   A friend sent me the thesis statement for one recently written and approved at a large Southern Baptist seminary in Louisville. “The thesis of this dissertation is that the city gate of Iron Age II was used for multifunctional one.” I don’t know whether to… Read More »

Does God Ride the Subway?

By | July 26, 2008

I was preparing for teaching tomorrow (on 1 Samuel 9) and I read a story in Arnold’s commentary that I liked.  I found the story on the internet, so I can share it easily.  Arnold notes that it originally comes from a 1949 issue of Reader’s Digest. *** Marcel Sternberger was a methodical man of… Read More »

Music I Like

By | July 24, 2008

So I really have too much to do, but Amazon sent (a few months ago) this thing where you can make your own widget with songs you like.  They claimed it was easy and so I thought I’d take a ten-minute break this afternoon and see just how easy.  It was much easier than what… Read More »

Plano, Israel, and Iraq

By | July 16, 2008

The free download of the month at is Brother Lawrence, Practicing the Presence of God. You don’t realize how many journalists you like until they die.  I liked Tim Russert and I liked Tony Snow.  I don’t think there’s anyone else I really like. A month ago my dad helped me connect an antenna… Read More »


By | July 14, 2008

One year ago yesterday we moved to the States.  In some ways I feel like we’ve come a long way since then, and in other ways I wonder how I wasted so much time. On the positive side: We landed with a few suitcases and now have wheels, a place to live, and a church… Read More »


By | July 11, 2008

Today is July 11, which means that it’s “free slurpee” day at 7-11. DALLAS, (July 2, 2008) – It’s that time of year when the sun is hot and the Slurpee ® drinks are free-zing – emphasis on the FREE part. July 11, aka 7/11, is the day that 7-Eleven, Inc., the world’s premier convenience… Read More »

Guns and Money

By | July 10, 2008

I was talking today on the phone to a friend in California and he was telling me about a new law so that you can’t hold a cellphone while driving.  He asked if Texas had this law.  Actually, we do not. In Texas it is legal to drive with a cellphone in one hand and… Read More »

Tailgate Party

By | July 3, 2008

I’ve figured out how to retire young (or feed Africa for a year).  Just write one song.  It could be worth more than $500 millon. When I started watching this video, I first thought that I had seen it before.  Then I thought that it was going to be lame.  I was wrong.  If you’re… Read More »

Popular Stories in the Bible

By | July 2, 2008

A poll by Ynetnews found the following were the most popular stories in the Bible.  It doesn’t say whether participants were allowed to choose stories from the whole (OT) Bible or not, but you can see that all are from the Pentateuch/Torah, 6 of them from Genesis. 1. Creation of the world (Genesis 1) –… Read More »