Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Surgery Update

By | May 21, 2008

Kelli’s surgery went very well.  Thank you for praying.  She now has pain (and pain medicine) and the first 72 hours are critical in the healing process.  The kids have been, or are currently, 1) sick, 2) misbehaving, and/or 3) being helped by friends from church.  I would be lying if I said that things… Read More »

So Far

By | May 16, 2008

I’ve been back in Israel four days now.  It’s been a bit rough.  In fact, I’d say that if this was my only time to Israel, I’d tell people to never come.  Of course, I have the experience to know that it is not always this way.  Before I left, we had reason to believe… Read More »

Between Semester and Departure

By | May 10, 2008

I leave for Israel after church tomorrow and time is tight.  A few short items that I’ve collected recently: Here’s a good blog post for my readers traveling along (or thinking about traveling along) the PhD route.  There’s a few things I might add, but it’s very insightful as it stands. Here are some people… Read More »

Gas Prices

By | May 9, 2008

If you think gas prices are high here, you should try filling up your tank in Turkey! Those who take things like this seriously might want to know that 1) I took the photo on January 1, 2001; 2) Turkey now uses the Euro; 3) gas prices in Turkey were $8/gallon in 2005, and I’m… Read More »

G,G,G,G and me

By | May 7, 2008

My life of late has been dominated completely by the letter G – Gadara, Gerasa, Gergesa, and now Genesis.  I am trying to write a 35-page paper in 3 days.  It is a frustrating exercise because of the limited time.  But a friend forwarded me this link and I’m taking a break to share it… Read More »

Messianic Campaign in Israel

By | May 6, 2008

Arutz-7 has an article about the new campaign by Jews for Jesus, and it ties it in with the Bible Quiz boycott.  I’ve heard that this month (which is the month of celebrating Israel’s 60th birthday) will be the most intensive ever with regard to advertisements about the faith.  You can pray in that regard. … Read More »

Religious Boycott Bible Quiz in Israel

By | May 1, 2008

According to some Orthodox Jews, there is a danger greater than the Nazis: Jewish believers in Yeshua.  From the JPost: A group of religious Zionist rabbis have called for a boycott of this year’s International Bible Quiz after discovering that one of the four finalists from Israel is a Messianic Jew who believes Jesus is… Read More »

Obama: A New Kind of Politician

By | May 1, 2008

From Best of the Web Today (WSJ): The real proof that Wright is right about Obama, though, comes from this passage in a New York Times story from April 30, 2007–a year ago yesterday: Mr. Wright, who has long prided himself on criticizing the establishment, said he knew that he may not play well in… Read More »

Personal note

By | April 28, 2008

The challenges of the semester have been compounded by a recent illness and now I find myself with my health restored (I think) and only 11 days to finish what remains.  That includes writing one paper (research 95% finished), and writing another (0% done).  The weekend after, I fly out to Israel for 3.5 weeks. … Read More »

IBEX Promotional Video

By | April 26, 2008

IBEX has a new promotional video.  It will be out on DVD soon, but you can see it online now at the TMC website.  The video was produced by Robert Ham and Jodi Dyck.  If you know anyone in college who wants to know the Bible better and who’s not afraid of a little bit… Read More »