Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Wonder, Worship, and Evolution

By | March 1, 2013

I like the way that Tim Challies explains the relationship of worship and evolution: “Joshua Foer does not believe in God as Creator; rather, he believes in naturalistic evolution. There is something so jarring about hearing of the wonders of the brain and then immediately suggesting that it is the product of evolution, the product… Read More »

February 16

By | February 16, 2013

The stunning lack of logic in laws permitting abortion is succinctly captured in this article. Do you ever slip into the heresy of modalism in your pictures, prayers, or praise? This is an important question: How Do We Cherish Virginity Without Moralistic Fearmongering? Need some Advice for Parenting Young Kids? There’s a lot here that… Read More »

January 29

By | January 29, 2013

I’m not sure about global warming, but I have no doubt that man is the cause of the most important of the earth’s problems. This article by Todd Beall will help you think through that very issue in a biblical way. You ‘ll never hear any of this truth from the media or the politicians… Read More »

Texas Is Beautiful, Part 7

By | January 20, 2013

On the last of our five-day Tour of Texas for Thanksgiving Twenty Twelve, we drove east of Austin to visit with some friends on furlough. Emily was an IBEX student many years ago and she and Brant have served in Papua New Guinea for four years. As I write this (Sunday afternoon), they are getting… Read More »

Texas Is Beautiful, Part 6

By | January 17, 2013

We woke up on the fourth morning in San Antonio. I was surprised to see on a map that the only other state in the continental US where one can be further south than San Antonio is Florida. It was quite pleasant, however, in November. For our first stop, we headed out to the San… Read More »

January 13

By | January 13, 2013

Bike helmet laws may kill more people than they save. I should not have watched this collection of George W. Bush clips while eating lunch. Do you think there are more grains of sand on earth or more stars in the sky? Someone has figured it out and stars wins it by some orders of… Read More »

Library Research in 2013

By | January 9, 2013

I don’t give many glimpses into my life as a dissertation writer, but it struck me today that library research may be quite different than it used to be. I started writing my first masters thesis 20 years ago and I remember spending long hours in several libraries in Jerusalem, photocopying articles sparingly because of… Read More »

Texas Is Beautiful, Part 5

By | January 7, 2013

After climbing Enchanted Rock and hanging out for a bit, we made our way back to the car, passing an emergency squad of firefighters headed for a rescue. We drove through the Hill Country of Texas for a couple of hours as we took the scenic route into San Antonio. One of the motivations for… Read More »

Texas Is Beautiful, Part 4

By | January 3, 2013

Looking back on our trip, I think my favorite part was Thanksgiving morning when we climbed Emerald Rock. Just driving through the hillside to get to the state park, I was expecting something impressive-looking. It never came. We were standing at the bottom and I still wasn’t impressed. But as we climbed the pink granite… Read More »


By | December 22, 2012

Our family had some nice things happen yesterday. 1. Bethany’s choir performance at school was a success. 2. When checking out at Kroger, the cashier told Kelli that an anonymous donor had given a gift to five people in line. She took a Ben Franklin out of an envelope and applied it to our bill.… Read More »