Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Messianic Jews and Citizenship in Israel

By | April 22, 2008

This might be of interest to some readers: In a landmark decision today, the Supreme Court of Israel ratified a settlement between twelve Messianic Jewish believers and the State of Israel, which states that being a Messianic Jew does not prevent one from receiving citizenship in Israel under the Law of Return or the Law… Read More »

A Photo, 15 Years Later

By | April 21, 2008

I was preparing a lesson on Passover a few nights ago when I came across this photo taken on Mt. Gerizim in 1993. Our only connection was that we were all students at a school in Jerusalem and we pooled our money together to hire an Arab taxi to take us to biblical sites in… Read More »

Things I Come Across #3

By | April 18, 2008

The minds that God makes are not all alike (5-min video). Here are some reasons that pastors should blog (that may apply to non-pastors). C.S. Lewis has some tips on writing for children.  They seem like good tips.  The funny thing is that my kids can’t understand his writing (when I read the Narnia books… Read More »

Things I Come Across #2

By | April 14, 2008

My idea of justice: a Hamas rocket hitting Jimmy Carter on his visit to Sderot. This movie seems to be popular among some evangelicals.  If you haven’t yet seen the trailer for Expelled, you can here. I don’t think that taxes are bad per se, but I think it’s a great evil when the single… Read More »

Things I Come Across

By | April 6, 2008

This blog continues its descent into worthlessness and frivolousness.  Oh, wait. Was it ever anything other? It’s not just us moving to Dallas; everyone is!   An incredible statistic: About 56 percent of adults bought books last year.  So what did the rest of them spend their money on??? The title of the book is The… Read More »

Announcement: I am the PresidenT

By | April 1, 2008

I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed president of The Masters’ Colege.  While this may come as a surprise to many, the current president has decided to focus his energies on his grandchildren.  Thus the bored of trustees searched and found me.  While some might object that I do not have a… Read More »

A Movie You Should Watch

By | March 27, 2008

It looks like I’m not going to say much about Spring Break, given that some time has passed and I really need to spend a lot more time with my friend Jehu.  I’ll say simply that it was probably my best Spring Break when I didn’t leave home.  Admittedly, it feels weird to call wherever… Read More »

All Over the Place

By | March 26, 2008

Need something to read?  Check out the 2008 Christianity Today Book Awards I’m not as old as J. I. Packer, but I concur with his reflections on God’s surprises: The high spots of my life present themselves in retrospect as a series of surprises —happy surprises, from the hand of a very gracious God. Is… Read More »