Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Clutterham on God's Mercies

By | March 23, 2008

Some of you know Josh Clutterham (my tribute here; totaled car here) and you may know that his mother’s struggle with cancer is nearly over.  You may not know that Josh has just written about the situation and God’s mercies in hard times.  I know that he and his family would appreciate your prayers. UPDATE… Read More »

Passover and Purim

By | March 20, 2008

It’s probably not very common that Passover and Purim fall on the same night.  Actually, according to the Jewish calendar, it is impossible (Purim is in the last month and Passover is in the first month).  But since the Christian calendar many centuries ago separated the calculation of Easter from the Jewish reckoning of Passover,… Read More »

A Few Things

By | March 8, 2008

While the killing of yeshiva students in Jerusalem got tons of news, the much bigger story is largely ignored.  Hezbollah now has 30,000 rockets in Lebanon.  They only had 13,000 before the Second Lebanon War in 2006.  Some of their missiles now have the range to reach Tel Aviv. I am not a science guru,… Read More »

March 3

By | March 3, 2008

I’ve collected a few things to share.   There are a variety of things that I’m learning but don’t share because either I don’t have the time or you don’t have the interest. Fun: Here’s a prank done in Grand Central Station. Cool: We sold our queen mattress to a silver medalist in track at… Read More »

Pray for Berkowitz Family

By | March 2, 2008

Ariel Berkowitz, teacher at IBEX, has had some very difficult situations in his family lately.  I asked him if I could share the latest update here, knowing that most of my readers know him.  He would appreciate your prayers.  I’ll add to that that they could use financial support as well, as their family does… Read More »

Political Prognostication

By | February 19, 2008

This blog usually stays away from politics, not because the blog writer doesn’t think about it quite a bit, but because, well, it just gives people one more reason to not like you and I have enough already.  But you’ve caught me at a weak moment. I’ve been leaning towards praying for Hillary to win… Read More »

Free 6-Month Trip to Israel

By | February 17, 2008

A friend writes: I am looking for a guy (it pretty much has to be a guy since we travel all the time together) who is experienced in computer animation and graphics. When I say computer animation I don’t mean cartoons, I mean building a city of Jericho with walls and having them fall down… Read More »

Kingdom of Priests, 2nd Edition

By | February 17, 2008

If you’re one of the kinds of people that knows that you want the 2nd edition of Eugene Merrill’s Kingdom of Priests, then you might be glad to know that Amazon is giving an extra 5% off if you purchase it before it is released.  That’s one dollar off.  Which will buy you 20 postcards… Read More »