Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Research Papers

By | January 26, 2008

In class yesterday, my second paper topic selection was approved.  So now I know exactly what I’m going to be thinking about a lot this semester: For Gospels/Acts class: The location of the swine dive (Gerasa, Gadara, Gergesa).  I have thought a lot about this issue over the years, but several recent publications (but otherwise… Read More »

This Week

By | January 24, 2008

I did not write anything here for Tuesday’s class, which dealt with Matthew 1-4.  This may be owing to my sense of utter defeat.  That was not the only time this week that I felt that.  It’s not that I don’t know the answers, it’s that sometimes I don’t even understand the questions.  Today I… Read More »


By | January 20, 2008

Here’s a fun way to find out how stupid you are.  (The Lufthansa Virtual Pilot game) Unfortunately, this guy is right:  “If we pull back to the 1967 borders, everyone should ask himself, what will happen the following day,” Lieberman said. “Will the conflict stop, will the terror stop? Nothing will change.” Ladies, here’s a… Read More »

How Forests Are Wiped Out

By | January 17, 2008

Today I began what will likely be the longest academic project of my life.  No, I’m not talking about the PhD program (that started two days ago).  Nor am I talking about my dissertation (I will probably start initial research on that in a couple of weeks).  I began the “Bible Arguments” project, known more… Read More »

Our Fireplace

By | January 16, 2008

After a long time, our landlord fixed our fireplace today.  When Luke got home, he was excited to see it and came and asked when we could use it.  Rather than telling him that I thought we’d try it out tonight, I asked him when he wanted to use it.  He thought for a minute,… Read More »

The Beginning of the PhD

By | January 15, 2008

Today I had my first PhD class.  It’s a 3-hour seminar on the Gospels and Acts, and meets once a week.  On Fridays, I have a 3-hour seminar on the Torah and Former Prophets (Genesis-2 Kings).  I’m considering blogging about them this semester.  There are some reasons why this might not happen: 1) If I… Read More »

Presidential Delusions

By | January 13, 2008

The latest Messiah in the Middle East is George W. Bush, who appears convinced that he can save the Israelis and the Palestinians.  The Washington Post today has an interesting editorial on his mission.  It begins: On Thursday in Jerusalem, President Bush completed a full circle on the Middle East from his starting point as… Read More »

Me and Your Money

By | January 13, 2008

When I write on this blog, I’m generally directing my comments to former students.  I know that others might read from time to time (hi, Mom), but if you don’t fit into the category of a 20-something TMCish grad with no life and this blog doesn’t seem relevant to you, I know why. But with… Read More »

Clutterham Follow-Up

By | January 13, 2008

I talked with Josh on the phone yesterday and he said that for the last couple of days he has had a brutal headache.  I’ll spare you the details, but I think that “brutal” is a fair word.  He has one of these lame insurance deals where you have to go to an incompetent doctor… Read More »