Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Baker Exegetical Commentary for Libronix

By | January 13, 2008

I have a number of short things to post on.  Instead of collecting them under “Sundry” something or other, I’m going to do a series of short posts.  Starting with an offer of 8 good commentaries for Libronix: Baker Exegetical Commentary on the NT, Vol. 1: Luke, Volume 1 by D. Bock Luke, Volume 2… Read More »

Light and Momentary Afflictions

By | January 12, 2008

About a month ago, I was struck again with the critical importance of 2 Corinthians 4:18 and I made printed it off to put above the toilet (a strategic place for half of humankind!).  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary,… Read More »

My Friend Josh Clutterham

By | January 9, 2008

I received an email today that Joshua Clutterham, former IBEX student, TMC graduate, M.A. Biblical Counseling graduate, and employee of the Biblical Counseling program at The Master’s College was in a serious car accident.  He was driving on Interstate 5 when he was hit by a drunk driver, causing his vehicle to roll hundreds of… Read More »

Updates from Jerusalem Assembly

By | January 4, 2008

If one of your new year’s resolutions was to pray more for the peace of Jerusalem, or if you just desire to do so more effectively, I have a suggestion for you (particularly for those of you who were at IBEX).   You can pray more specifically if you get Meno’s monthly update. If you… Read More »

Holiday Sundry

By | December 26, 2007

Funny how “vacation” is. In one sense, I’ve had much more “free” time than when the semester was going, but I’ve posted much less. It’s not because I’ve fallen into a mode of laziness, sleeping in till noon, and playing computer games all the time. I think it’s more because I have so many goals… Read More »

Amazon Gift Certificates

By | December 16, 2007

I think I did this before, but nobody got too mad, at least that I remember.  And it’s convenient for me to use. Sorry for the graphic, but I didn’t find a text link. UPDATE: If you’re using Firefox with Adblocker enabled, you won’t be able to see the graphic unless you use turn off… Read More »

We Look Good

By | December 15, 2007

If you’re not on our Christmas letter list, then you probably haven’t seen this recent family photo.   This picture was taken by our friend Matt Winquist, of And There Was Light Photography and is shared with ya’ll by his permission.

Finished, Yet Not Started

By | December 13, 2007

Earlier today I went to my last class and turned in my last paper for my Masters of Theology (Th.M.) degree.  The name really is a misnomer in some ways – I didn’t study “theology” and my major was “Old Testament.”  And I’m technically not a “graduate” until the work is graded and the grade… Read More »

Be Prepared for Trials

By | December 5, 2007

My students know that one of my themes is that we should be prepared for hard times.  John Piper has a good article today on just that. When huge pain comes into your life—like divorce, or the loss of a precious family member, or the dream of wholeness shattered—it is good to have a few… Read More »