Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Funds Needed to Save Lives

By | October 10, 2007

I’ve mentioned Shevet Achim here before.  Their ministry is to link Arab children who need heart surgeries with Israeli doctors who perform them for free.  There are still expenses in transportation, documentation, housing, and hospital supplies.  Right now Israeli doctors have requested that some Iraqi children whose lives are in danger be brought to Israel… Read More »

"Much Work to be Done"

By | October 9, 2007

I don’t usually reprint articles in full, but I’m not really sure how to abbreviate this one.  I think it’s worthy of consideration, with the following comments: 1. This rather lengthy article is one of the major news stories of the day by Arutz-7, an important (right-wing) news organization in Israel. 2. Don’t believe everything… Read More »

So Little Results

By | October 8, 2007

Some months ago, I heard a friend speak about missions in a country with which he is very familiar.  He made a statement that really startled me, and I asked him if I could quote him on it.  I can, without his name, and I am going to leave out the name of the country,… Read More »

Believers in Gaza

By | October 7, 2007

If you haven’t prayed for the believers in Gaza lately, maybe this will encourage you to. The body of a Christian official who was kidnapped over the weekend was discovered in Gaza City early Sunday, Palestinian sources said. The man was identified as Rami Ayyad, 31, director of The Teacher’s Bookshop, which is operated by… Read More »

Good Recent Sermons

By | October 3, 2007

If you haven’t heard about the Desiring God National Conference in Minneapolis this past weekend, you can get all of the audio (or video) files for free.  I’ve enjoyed the two MacArthur sermons, as well as the conversation between MacArthur and Piper.  It was encouraging to hear these two men praise each other’s ministries, without… Read More »

MS Office way cheap

By | October 1, 2007

This might be something that could be useful to some of the readers here.  But you have to be a bit forward-thinking.  Microsoft is offering their Ultimate Office collection (which has pretty much every Office program) for $60, but only for students.  The problem is, or rather the reason that some students that I know… Read More »

Entrance Exam

By | October 1, 2007

I took that exam for the PhD program on Friday and I think it went well enough.  If it was a comprehensive exam (to be taken at the end of coursework), then it was a miserable failure.  But for an entrance exam, I’m guessing they won’t keep me out.  I’m not allowed to talk about… Read More »

Persecution of Believers in Israel

By | September 26, 2007

I don’t know these people or this situation personally, but it strikes me as a fair presentation of the on-going persecution of believers in Arad.  This 15-minute video was made by a messianic believer in the 12th grade. μακάριοι ἐστε ὅταν ὀνειδίσωσιν ὑμᾶς καὶ διώξωσιν καὶ εἴπωσιν πᾶν ονηρὸν καθ ὑμῶν [ψευδόμενοι] ἕνεκεν ἐμοῦ. χαίρετε… Read More »

Anchor Bible bought by Yale

By | September 26, 2007

Some months ago I commented here that I was unhappy that I couldn’t find a copy of the 1 Kings commentary in the Anchor Bible series for less than $2,736.18.  That may improve, as the Anchor Bible series has been bought by Yale and the press release seems to indicate that out-of-print titles will be… Read More »

A Day in Suburban America

By | September 22, 2007

I feel like we’re making the transition to suburban American life quickly, in some respects. In Israel, I wouldn’t have woken up (and certainly not on a Shabbat, much less Yom Kippur) and checked Craig’s List and found a foosball table for sale at a garage sale less than a mile from our house.  Of… Read More »